By Barbara Scott
Staff Writer
Jean Shaw, children’s librarian at the Caribou Public Library has announced the following programs for children will begin in September and October.
Each of these programs are designed to introduce young children to books, nursery rhymes, finger plays, puppet plays and songs appropriate to the child’s stage of development.
Mother Goose Time will be held on Tuesday mornings at 10 beginning Oct. 18. Designed for babies from birth to 18 months of age, is a lap-sit program and requires one parent’s full attention. No siblings please.
Toddler Time, for children ages 18 to 36 months, will be held on Saturday mornings from 10 to 10:30 beginning Oct. 15. This program will be offered in three sessions, each limited to 15 toddlers. One parent per child is required to provide the one-on-one attention they will need.
Story Time for children 3-5 years of ages will meet from 10 to 10:45 a.m. on Wednesdays beginning September 21. Crafts will be offered during this program.
Registration for the above programs is required and space is limited.
For more information or to register contact the library at 493-4214.
Toddler Time and Story Time will begin with a “Teddy Bear’s Picnic.” Bring your Teddy Bear and come enjoy the fun.