Veterans’ Flag program ongoing

13 years ago

By Barbara Scott
Staff Writer

    This summer the Northern Maine Veterans Cemetery dedicated 30 flag poles that adorn the entrance, and welcome visitors to the cemetery. These 30 lighted flagpoles proudly fly burial-size cotton flags 24-hours a day, from Memorial Day until Veterans Day.
    According to Harry Hafford, NMVC chairman, “The Avenue of Flags” project was a large undertaking, local businesses, veterans’ groups and individuals from all over Aroostook really supported us, and this is a beautiful addition to our cemetery.”
    As part of a veteran’s burial benefit, their family receives a 5-foot by 9.5-foot American flag in the veteran’s honor. It is now possible to donate that flag, to be flown in honor of a loved one at the cemetery. Family members may drop the flag off at the NMVC during normal business hours along with the following information: veteran’s name, date of death, and next of kin name and phone number. These flags will be used to replace worn flags on the poles as needed. 
    Hafford stated “It will be impossible to give individuals an exact date when the flag will be flown, as this will depend on how long the present flags flying will last and this varies, depending on weather, wind, etc. We will however give adequate notice of when a specific flag will be raised. They will be flown in the order they are received and will fly in a loved one’s honor until they need to be replaced. The cemetery will notify families of the date and time when their flag will be raised, should they wish to attend. When that flag needs to be replaced, it will be lowered and properly disposed of. NMVC will not be able to notify families when this occurs and worn flags will not be returned to the family,” he added.
    Hafford also said, “We also realize that the flag presented to a veteran’s family has special meaning and they may not wish to part with it. If this is the case, we fully understand, but have another option available to them. They may purchase a flag to be flown in their loved one’s honor for $70.”
    Individuals may leave a flag at the cemetery office (located on the Lombard Road) or mail it to Northern Maine Veterans Cemetery PO Box 321 Caribou, Maine 04736, with the same information as stated previously along with a check made payable to NMVC. Again, families will be notified when their designated flag will be raised.
    For more information contact Hafford at 435- 6024.