HOULTON – The following cases were heard at the Aroostook County Superior Court during the month of August.
Ricky Acott, 49, Houlton: repair shop failing to report motor vehicle damage, filed on $500 costs.
Michael Armstrong, Jr., 24, Madison: endangering the welfare of a child, dismissed; violating condition of release, three months in jail; and gross sexual assault, 10 years in prison, all but three years suspended and six years’ probation.
Valerie A. Bean, 32, Houlton: operating vehicle without license, $200 fine.
Ezra J. Brady, 20, Monticello: unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400 fine, 90 days’ in jail, all suspended and one-year probation; and violating condition of release, dismissed.
Jamie P. Burns, 39, Presque Isle: unlawful possession of scheduled drug (two counts), $400 fine and one-year in prison (first) $400 fine, four years in prison, all but one year suspended and two years’ probation (second); and violating condition of release, six months in prison.
Amanda L. Clair, 25, Blaine: violating condition of release, $250 fine.
Thomas F. Duclos, 64, Hodgdon: reckless conduct, dismissed.
Robert R. Dunham, 27, Biddeford: failing to stop, remain, provide information, six months in jail; and operating after habitual offender revocation, prior, $1,000 fine and nine months in jail.
Earl J. Farrar, 58, Cary Plnt.: violating protective order, six months in jail, all but five days suspended and one-year probation.
Shirley Faulkner, 48, Houlton: unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400 fine and 101 days in prison; burglary, dismissed; and unlawful possession of hydrocodone, $400 fine, two years in prison, all but 101 days suspended and two years’ probation.
Joshua Gray, 27, Linneus: operating while license suspended or revoked, prior, $500 fine.
Stephen Holmes, 46, New Limerick: violating protective order, filed on $200 costs.
Clay Lane, 36, Sherman: operating under the influence, prior, $700 fine, seven days in jail and three years’ license suspension.
Edwin A. Longley, III, 55, Crystal: assault, $500 fine.
Nicklos McGuire, 21, Littleton: unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $500 fine.
Robert E. Mitchell, 19, Merrill: unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $1,000 fine.
Barrett Nason, 25, Houlton: unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400 fine, 364 days in jail, all but 10 days suspended and one-year probation.
Sandra Perkins, 43, Presque Isle: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, priors, two years in prison, all but seven days suspended, two years’ probation and $100 restitution.
Dyan M. Reeves, 35, Linneus: unlawful possession of oxycodone, $700 fine, three years in prison, all but 90 days suspended and two years’ probation; and unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400 fine and 90 days in jail.
Dean A. Shaw, 49, Hersey: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer and criminal trespass, dismissed (each); and disorderly conduct, loud unreasonable noise, $400 fine.
Dustin Shields, 20, Houlton: unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $1,000 fine.
Eric B. Sirois, 19, Madawaska: endangering the welfare of a child, dismissed.
Roger D. Stone, 64, Houlton: OUI, $500 fine, 48 hours in jail and 90-day license suspension; and failing to notify of motore vehicle accident, dismissed.
Peter J. Tapley, 58, Monticello: domestic violence assault, dismissed; disorderly conduct, 60 days in jail, all but 48 hours suspended and one-year administrative release sentence; violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail; unlawful possession of scheduled drug, dismissed; and OUI, $500 fine and 90-day license suspension.
Susan G. Tardif, 52, Blaine: criminal attempt, $400 fine, 90 days in jail, all but 10 days suspended and one-year administrative release sentence; trafficking in prison contraband (two counts), dismissed (first) and $400 fine and 10 days in jail (second); and violating condition of release, 10 days in jail.
Amanda Trecartin, 26, Houlton: forgery, dismissed; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 48 hours in jail; criminal trespass, 364 days in jail, all but 48 hours suspended and one-year probation; and negotiating a worthless instrument, 48 hours in jail and $898 restitution.
James H. Tweedie, III, 39, Old Orchard Beach: violating protective order, $250 fine.
Michael J. Whitney, 45, Houlton: probation violation, 30 days in jail, probation partially revoked and probation continued.
Randall J. Woods, 44, Houlton: probation violation, six months in jail and probation partially revoked.
Steve Zonin, 24, Houlton: probation violation, probation continued, no sentence imposed.