
13 years ago

Pioneer Times photograph/Gloria Austin
BU-CLA-dc-pt-51Steven Greeley of the Maine Department of Labor, Safety Works presents Ron Langworthy, CLA executive director, with a recognition plaque, as Community Living Association received the Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) award for its Roger Randall Center Day Program location. SHARP was established by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to recognize employers and their employees for establishing effective workplace safety and health programs. CLA thanks Joe Bergan from Maine Department of Labor Safety Works for his annual health and safety surveys. Special thanks to Teresa Goguen, Wendy Tapley and the Safety Committee from maintenance, Tom Mailman, Gene Mooers, Keith Murchie and Dennis Richardson; Charlene Chase and the housekeeping staff and all CLA staff for continuing to make CLA a healthy and safe community in which to live and work.