Junior Girl Scouts work toward badge

13 years ago

Junior Girl Scouts work toward badge


by Jennifer Buzza

    On Thursday, Dec. 29, Junior Girl Scouts Rebecca Rider and Katelyn Amero, from Mapleton Troop 1133, went on a field trip to the Central Aroostook Chamber of Commerce and Mojo to work toward earning a Business Owner Badge.

Photo courtesy of Jennifer Buzza
  lo-maplenews-cx1-sh-01  SCOUTS VISIT CHAMBER — On Dec. 29, Junior Girl Scouts Rebecca Rider and Katelyn Amero, from
Mapleton Troop 1133, went on a field trip to the Central Aroostook Chamber of Commerce to work toward earning a Business Owner Badge. Pictured from left are: Rebecca Rider, Katelyn Amero and Theresa Fowler, Chamber executive director.

    First, the girls met with Chamber Executive Director Theresa Fowler and learned about what the Chamber, located in Presque Isle, does for the 13 communities it serves.  They asked questions about what support is available to existing businesses and potential new business owners. Since one of the girls is researching a for-profit business and the other a non-profit, they discovered that the resources needed are very different.

    The second part of the field trip was to visit Mojo in Presque Isle and meet with its manager, Mark Fullen. Mr. Fullen gave the girls a tour of the store and explained the basics of running a local sports business, including information about customer service and product pricing. They also got to “shadow” him during a sale. 

    The field trip was a success — thanks to the assistance of Mr. Fullen and Mrs. Fowler in offering the tours — and gave the girls the information needed to complete the final step toward earning the Business Owner Badge. Adults in attendance were Girl Scout volunteer Angela Rider and the troop’s junior advisor, Laurie Amero.


Cookie Time!

    The annual cookie sale for Girl Scouts of Maine will begin Monday, Jan. 9.  Some area service units will be hosting Cookie Rallies this coming weekend, allowing those Scouts attending the privilege of selling as early as Jan. 7.  Phase one of the three-phase Cookie Sale will run from Jan. 9-29. Customers placing orders during that time can expect their cookies to arrive in Presque Isle March 3 for delivery sometime thereafter. Some local troops may participate in booth sales at various local business locations starting March 10, allowing customers to purchase cookies on site, without ordering. 

    Customers can select from their eight favorite flavors, as no new cookie will be introduced this year. Customers will notice a redesigned box of the popular shortbread cookie as Girl Scouts commemorate their 100th year this year! Several Scouts will be working very hard to sell cookies this year in order to earn a free week at Girl Scout camp this summer. Please support local Girl Scouts by placing an order. If you are unable to eat cookies for health reasons, ask how you can place an order to benefit local charities or military troops.



    Birthday wishes this week go out to: Benoit Michaud, Olivia Sage-Marie Race, Cole Brown, Chris Craig, Scott Carlin, Curt Patterson, Steven Kennedy, Jr., Matthew Ireland, Joyce Thomas, Pam Powers, Dale Wood, Logan Brown, Braydon Brown, Heidi Chasse and Chris Tenney.



    Happy anniversary to Elizabeth and Mickey Hall on the Jan. 5.


Senior citizens

    The Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill senior citizens would like to invite other local seniors to join their luncheons and meetings that are being held each Monday from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The group meets at Maple Tree Estates on the Hughes Road in Mapleton. Those who wish to attend are asked to bring a dish to share for the potluck lunch as well as personal place settings. Following the luncheon, the meeting often includes a guest speaker or bingo. Regular weekly meetings begin for 2012 on Monday, Jan. 9.


    (Jennifer Buzza is the correspondent for Mapleton, Castle Hill and Chapman. She can be reached at 760-9115, or by e-mail at jbuzza@ainop.com)