To the editor:
As I write this for the paper, I have to say just how very proud of my community and Marines — past, present, and future — that I am.
We live under one God, one Flag, and one Corps. Freedom for us is doing our duty to the very highest standard known to us, within ourselves, community, and anywhere we are put to do a job.
But, freedom comes with a cost at times.
This year was our first time trying to do a Toys for Tots Program within Aroostook and Washington counties. We have three coordinators, of which I am one. I had the area from Mars Hill to Washington County.
I am very happy to say that we assisted in bringing Christmas to 700 young people, who would not have had presents for Christmas this year.
Christmas to me is what I posted on Facebook this year. I have a tree in my front yard, an angel for the past 38 years. My gifts are my two grown children and my lights for decorating the tree are my three grandchildren, whom I have been blessed with, as well as celebrating the birth of Jesus.
Gifts come and go. Family is forever, regardless, good, bad, or indifferent.
I am very appreciative to all the businesses that let me put boxes in their building to get toys for the kids. For all those who donated money, we raised more than $2,000. Thank you so much.
The Toys for Tots Program has a limit to what can be spent on a gift, regardless of the age of the child. Next year, I will be checking through other organizations to ensure that no one is going to many different agencies, as well as this program, to get toys for Christmas.
That worked out well this year and more children got presents by organizations working together.
In closing, in an ideal world, Christmas should be every day, treating people as you would want to be treated. Having the honesty of a young child and their innocence that makes them so great.
To all those who served, regardless of what branch, I thank you for your service to this country, your communities and especially to your families, who thinks of you every day.
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year.
If there are any businesses that still would like to donate to this program, please mail donations to the following address and dedicate it to Aroostook County (South East) Bernard Reece. Those donations will go directly to my area for next year’s campaign and will give us a jumpstart. The address for donations is: Marine Toys for Tots Foundation, Gift Processing Administrator, 18251 Quantico Gateway Drive Triangle, VA 22172.
Thank you all for being so supportive of this effort this year. I look forward to serving the youth in the area next holiday season.
Berny Reece
ACMCL Detachment 1368
Toys for Tots Coordinator