Pets teach us some valuable lessons

13 years ago

Pets teach us some valuable lessons

Carolyn L. Cheney

Member, Board of Directors

    Dogs and cats need us humans to care for and to love them. We humans need them for companionship and to love. Most of us “animal people” consider our pets to be very important family members.

    Animals are devoted to their masters and only want to please them. Children can learn a great deal from the family pet. They learn caring skills at an early age when they are encouraged to help care for the pet. Relatively young children can check the water and food bowls to make sure they are not empty. Sometimes young children find comfort in the family pet.

    Many times I have seen my 5-year-old granddaughter, Jorja, sitting in my recliner with 60-pound Henry. Often Henry is lying across her lap, and she is discussing the school day with him while gently rubbing his ear. They both seem so relaxed and enjoy each other’s company.

    Older children are capable of walking the pet and also getting some exercise. The family pet can be a great playmate. Dogs love to play fetch, have a tug of war and play Frisbee.

    A special group who enjoys pets is sometimes forgotten. Older folks who live far from friends and family, or even if they live close, enjoy pets who provide companionship and love. Some elderly find a large dog difficult to handle, but a small dog or a cat can sometimes fit the bill for them. We at the Central Aroostook Humane Society encourage older folks to adopt an older cat who is litter-boxed trained, wants to be loved and is not as rambunctious as a kitten or teenage cat. We have adopted a number of older cats to senior citizens, and they have proven to be mutually beneficial relationships.

    Some assisted living facilities allow cats and small dogs in the residents’ apartments which is wonderful. Many of the residents have had pets their entire lives and they truly miss them. The companionship and love the pets provide to their owners is invaluable. Caring for a pet can be very therapeutic for the people.

    The Central Aroostook Humane Society has many beautiful animals available for adoption. Please visit us at 26 Cross Street, Presque Isle.

    If you are unable to adopt now, we understand, but feel free to visit anyway. Our four-legged charges love visitors. The days/hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; closed 12-12:30 p.m. for lunch.