Houlton High School students pen poems

13 years ago
A Day in the Pretty Meadow
Inspired by photo: Horse (Eguus caballus) Czech Republic
The smell of the fresh air
The taste of the grass and hay

Galloping through the meadow
The smell of colorful flowers
The roughness of the fur
The softness of the mane
The beauty of its coat
Mane flying and tail swaying
Running with the others
Through the cool windy air
The cries of the neighs
On the beautiful
Sunny Day
Mariah O’Neal
Grade 8
Houlton High School

Breaking, rusting
Dying, failing, crashing
Parting, moving, lying, buying
Rebuilding, painting, welding
Driving living
James Tapley
Grade 8
Houlton High School

Underwater Roamer
Inspired by a photo: Atlantic Hawksbill Turtle
Swimming steadily with a hard shell over its back
Long wings pushing it through the clear water
Coral on either side of the
colorful body
As peaceful as the sky before a storm
The creature’s beak catching sea weed along its journey
Taking turns and twists along the currents
Catching waves like a surfer
Big eyes watching glimpses of the underwater world
As it roams for a lifetime
The animal lives its long life to the fullest
Spreading peace, and happiness.
Emma Drew
Grade 8
Houlton High School

Safe on One End, Vulnerable on the Other
A warrior slowly forging its way through the world
Sharing its meaning of life
No fighting
Just love
The wanted and deserving winner of the race
Taking its time
Doing it right
Protecting itself carrying a shield over its back
A sign of never giving up and determination.
Hunter McLaughlin
Grade 8
Houlton High School

black, blind
unforgiving, uncaring,
unknown, mysterious, frigid, harsh
showing, loving, calming
warm benign
Adam Casillas
Grade 8
Houlton High School

Ice Age
It is as big as mountain and it is in South America.
You can see it in high in the sky in the winter
In the spring it goes away it is hard if you touch it.
It has sharp edges.
In is slowly moving and shaping the Earth.
It can smell like the ocean or the fish.
It is as white as snow.
It has a misty white sky around it.
It has some mountains that surround it.
The water flows around it.
Sydney Richardson
Grade 8
Houlton High School

The Swift One
Inspired by photo of shark

The swift one
The smoothed skinned predator
In the deep dark ocean
Smells blood miles away
He is the most dangerous predator in the ocean
Big toothed predator
Several of them come in packs
Gleaming sun shining down on him
Attacks fast and quick like a snake
Roaming free
Swift like a bird
Mattaoe Spencer
Grade 8
Houlton High School

A Smile in The Midst of Town
With chipped paint reds, yellows and browns
Shrubs line the front of them
A river is meandering its way around the buildings
Cool water flowing at a
peaceful pace
Rough dirt is formally used as a road
Trees decorate the landscape in vivid green colors
Trees that stretch to the skyline
It seems as if the rain has ceased
The sky still remains dark
A colorful smile shines in the midst of town
Rachelle Provost
Grade 8
Houlton High School

The Orb
Smell of fresh cut grass
looking for something
round, black
bowling ball sized

others were after it
power, wealth,
their motives
I needed to protect it
oak door
barred windows
the smell of fire
hard to get into

head pounding
the others were here
Justin Queen
Grade 8
Houlton High School