By Rikayla Pelkey
Katahdin Elementary Grade 4
There once lived two hippopotamuses. Their names were Alley and Tom. Tom had disgusting, dirty water in his pool and Alley had beautiful, pretty water in her pool.
One day Alley went over to Tom’s party. Alley finally got there. She looked in Tom’s pool and almost fainted.
She said, “Only a dirty pig would live in this pool.”
He said, “Get out of here.”
So she backed talked him. Tom got up from the chair and very hardly shoved her in the pool. Alley got out of the pool and spanked Tom’s butt with her moist hand.
He said, “What was that for?”
She said, “That was pay back.”
Tom pushed Alley in the pool again. Alley got out of the pool and said, “Let’s have a challenge. The challenge is to see who can have the best party ever and to keep our pools very clean.”
Every time Alley saw Tom she would she would say, “I’m going to win.”
Then Tom would say, “I’m going to win. You big mean hippo.”
Alley would walk away rolling her eyes.
It was the sixth day of the challenge and also Alley’s birthday party. Of course, Tom was invited. When he got there, he said, “I’ve never seen such a cleaner place in my life and a very nice cleaned pool like always.”
Alley said, “Of course, thank you.” Soon Alley’s party was over. The number Tom wrote Alley was hidden in a box and he said, “I won’t tell you my number yet until you pick a number for my party.”
It was almost the last day of the challenge but unfortunately it was the ninth day and also Tom’s birthday.
Alley said, “You did a very good job cleaning your pool and other stuff.”
The number Alley had on Tom’s party was also hidden in a box.
It was the tenth day. So Alley called Tom. Alley said, “Where do you want to meet?”
Tom said, “Let’s meet at the swimming center.”
Alley said, “Good idea.”
Alley and Tom got ready very quickly and dressed in their fancy clothes. Alley and Tom got there at the same time.
Alley said, “Let’s open the boxes at the same time.”
Tom said, “That’s a good idea.”
Alley and Tom both said, “1, 2, 3.”
Then they opened the boxes. They both could not believe it at all. They both had the number 11 and were both winners. Awhile after that, Alley and Tom got married, had kids, and lived happily ever after in their clean and a bit dirty pool.