Ann’s Home & Gift Shop offers something for all

13 years ago

Ann’s Home & Gift Shop offers something for all

By Kathy McCarty

Staff Writer

    EASTON — Wondering what to get that special lady on Mother’s Day? Then check out what Ann’s Home & Gift Shop, located at 692 Houlton Road in Easton, has to offer.

Staff photo/Kathy McCarty

    NEW SHOP OPENS — A ribbon-cutting ceremony hosted by the Central Aroostook Chamber of Commerce took place May 4 to welcome Ann’s Home & Gift Shop. BU-Ann's-clr-c1-sharpt-19 Located at 692 Houlton Road in Easton, the shop features a variety of gift ideas, from curtains and jewelry, to aprons, hats, purses and more. Pictured in front from left: Dawn Poitras, CACC member; Jim McKenney, CACC president; owners Gene and Ann Brown, with their dog Buster; Theresa Fowler, CACC executive director; and CACC member Stacy Shaw. In back: CACC members Danielle Brewer, Nola Farley and Nancy Fletcher.

    A ribbon-cutting hosted by the Central Aroostook Chamber of Commerce was held on Friday and a grand opening celebration May 5 marked the official kick-off of Ann and Gene Brown’s venture into the retail business.

    “We are retired and were bored, so we thought this would be a good way to supplement our Social Security. I was looking for anything I could do from home to make some extra money,” said Ann Brown, as she gave Chamber members a tour of the shop, located in her renovated front porch.

    From picture frames and purses to aprons, hair accessories and curtains, and lots more, Ann’s offers something for everyone.

Photo courtesy of Voscar
    ANN BROWN, owner of Ann’s Home & Gift Shop in Easton, poses with some of the many items available at her new shop. From purses and hats to curtains, sun catchers and more, there are plenty of gift ideas for any taste. 

    “Products will include lace curtains and table linens that may be special ordered for special sizes and colors. I have inspirational wall hangings, hand-painted glass art, belt buckles and NFL products for men, baby sweaters and blankets, bow hangers and bows for girls, and jewelry for girls and ladies — my selection includes many hand-crafted products from local crafters — with something for everyone,” said Ann.

    Most of what is in the shop is hand-crafted with love, not factory made.

    “Nothing’s commercially made except for curtains and a few other items,” she said.

    Ann indicated while she’s hoping to supplement her income, the business isn’t so much about profits as it is about aiding local crafters and providing unique products at affordable prices.

    “We’re keeping prices reasonable. We know it’s a tough economy right now and want to provide nice gift ideas for those watching their budget,” said Ann.

    Her husband said if the shop does well, they may go bigger in the future.

    “We’ll try it — may end up expanding if all goes well,” said Gene Brown.

    Gene said making the acquaintance of local artisans, he and his wife discussed how they could provide a venue for others to display their wares, and in turn make a little income for themselves.

    “We met some crafters at local fairs. This gives them an outlet for moving their wares,” said Gene. “We see a lot of older people making things — looking for ways to supplement their income, just like we’re trying to do.”

    He said having the shop in their home helps keep costs down.

    “We can keep prices lower, since we don’t have the overhead associated with having a business away from home. We don’t have extra rent to pay, etc.,” said Gene.

    Ann is looking forward to working with her customers to find just the right gift. And when it comes to decorating your home, she’ll work with you to find just the right curtains and accessories.

    “I will continue to bring unique and quality products not seen elsewhere in the County — all at very reasonable prices,” said Ann.

    Ann’s has many wonderful gift ideas for Mother’s Day, so stop by and check out what’s available.

    The shop will be seasonal, open from May through December. Hours of operation are: Wednesday and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.