Logging Museum to host competition

13 years ago

Logging Museum to host competition


by Susan Feeney-Hopkins

    The Ashland Logging Museum will host the Spring Logging Games Saturday, May 19 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. The event will feature local loggers competing in a skidder obstacle course and a log loader skills game.

    Demonstrations of traditional lumberjack round-up events will take place throughout the day. Logging equipment vendors will also be displaying equipment during the games.

    Admission is $7 for adults and $3 for children under the age of 12. The Spring Logging Games will be held at the Ashland Trotting Park on U.S. Route 11, south of the middle of town. Activities for kids and concessions will also be available.

    For more information, e-mail ashlandloggingmuseum@gmail.com or search Ashland Logging Museum on Facebook.


Aroostook River Voices Spring Concert

    The Aroostook River Voices are now in full preparation for their Spring Concert being held Sunday, May 20 beginning at 2 p.m. in the new and wonderful Ashland District School auditorium. This 70-voice chorus includes people from high school age on up to “older seniors.” The theme for this concert is “Give Me a Melody.” It is the hope of the group that at the conclusion of the concert, the audience will leave whistling, humming and even singing some of the tunes they have heard.

    Unlike most vocal groups, Aroostook River Voices does not rely on a few designated soloists. During this concert, the audience will hear 26 different individuals in solo vignettes. Also, one of the most unusual aspects of this group is the fact that during the concert, the audience will see and hear 31 different chorus members playing various instruments to help accompany and enhance the choral selections.

    Many of the musical selections have been arranged by Jon Simonoff and Larry Hall. The audience will be treated to classical selections, gospel music, rock and roll, country music and folk music. For a wonderful afternoon of music, everyone is invited to see and hear the most unusual and unique choral group in northern Maine.

    The concert is sponsored by the Ashland Alumni Association. Refreshments will be served after the concert. Admission is free but donations are encouraged and accepted. See you at the show!


Martial arts demonstration and registration

    There will be a martial arts demonstration held Tuesday, May 15 beginning at 7 p.m. in the Ashland Recreation Center. The demonstration is sponsored by the Ashland Recreation Department and Graves Institute of Self Defense. Admission is free.

    New classes are beginning May 22, May 29 and June 5. Classes will be held Tuesday nights at 6:30 p.m. at the Ashland Recreation Center. Instruction is given in basic martial art techniques and self defense under the Ketsugo Karate Black Belt instructors. Improve your physical fitness while at the same time raising your confidence level and your ability to handle various situations that could arise in today’s world. Martial arts is a proven method to build self-esteem, discipline along with physical and mental strength. All are invited and welcome.

    Contact Sensei Dave Ash at 435-6328 or Sensei Bill Graves at 764-1497 for more information.

    Susan Feeney-Hopkins is the correspondent for Ashland, Portage Lake, Oxbow, Masardis, Garfield, Nashville Plantation and the surrounding areas. She can be reached at 435-8232 or Feenhop@aol.com.