National Honor Society members to host blood drive

13 years ago

National Honor Society members

to host blood drive


by Tomi Henderson

    The CAHS National Honor Society will be holding their annual spring Blood Drive on Thursday, May 10, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the CAHS Music Room. Anyone wishing to donate blood can also call 800-REDCROSS or visit to schedule an appointment. Please remember to bring your donor cards or a photo ID. Thank you and we hope to see some of you there!

Rotary Club

    The Mars Hill Rotary Club met Tuesday morning, May 1, at the Aroostook Health Center. The special speaker was Rotarian Ray Mersereau. He and Judy spent the winter in Brinson, Ga., working with RV Volunteers through US MAPS (Mission America Placement Service). They worked on helping to finish an 8,500 square foot, 20-room church, Calvary Assembly, which has been under construction for three years. Volunteers have spent from December to May each year working on the project.

    Ray worked wherever he could — staining, caulking, doing electrical outlets and switches, tiling bathrooms and more. Judy was helpful by keeping the worksite picked up and in good order.

    They are both invited to help next year on a project as they make a great team.



Photo courtesy of Jennifer Collins

      Leanne York and Kelly Kilcollins, employees of Katahdin Trust Company, visited Mrs. Bradbury’s and Mrs. Lunn’s first grade classes at Fort Street Elementary School in Mars Hill as part of National Teach Children to Save Day on April 24. Ms. York and Ms. Kilcollins, along with 25 bank employees, reached out to local classrooms throughout northern and central Maine to help start students on the path to a positive financial future and teach the importance of saving money. Students include, from left: Anna Kilcollins, Aluk Clair, Brighton Kingsbury, Liam Marquis, Gracie Bailey, Hunter Charette, Elizabeth Michaud, Katie Carvell, Lane McCrum, Ethan Casale, Sam Mahan, Jossie Boyce, Hailey Brewer, Emily Foss-Andrews, Malachai Couture and Hailee Hill. Pictured with Mrs. Lunn’s class, in back are: Kelly Kilcollins, Leanne York and Mrs. Lunn.


Aroostook Health Center

    Upcoming events for the week of May 9-15 include: Wednesday — Beauty Parlor at 8:30 a.m., Moving to Music at 9:30 a.m., and Devotions with Velma at 2:30 p.m.; Thursday has the Beauty Parlor at 8:30 a.m., Bingo at 9:30 a.m., Horse Racing at 1:30 p.m. and Free Baptist of Blaine at 6:30 p.m.; Friday, May 11, will feature Moving to Music at 9:30 a.m. and Dayroom Cinema “Mother’s Day on Walton’s Mountain” at 1:30 p.m.; Saturday will feature Mother’s Day Pie Social at 1:30 p.m.; Sunday is Mother‘s Day; Monday is Circus Day and will feature Waffles by Ti from 7-9 a.m., Balloon Liftoff with Shrine Clowns and Coffee and Donuts at 9:30 a.m., Karaoke with Larry at 1:30 p.m. and Gospel Group at 6:30 p.m.; Tuesday, May 15, is Celebrate America Day and will have the Beauty Parlor at 8:30 a.m., All Star Bingo at 9:30 a.m. and a Corn Fritter Social, Patriotic Concert and Singalong with Priscilla at 1:30 p.m. All of these activities are subject to change. If you would like to volunteer to help with any of these activities, call Connie or Vicki at 768-4915.


Methodist women meeting

    The Sub-District of Northern Maine United Methodist Women annual meeting was held at the Washburn UMC on April 11, with 29 members and one guest present. The theme was “Ryan’s Heart.” Registration and fellowship started at 9:30 a.m. with light refreshments.

    President Barbara VanKirk called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. The opening prayer was given by Marie Bagley, following which she read a poem by Billy Graham.

    The “Purpose of UMW” was read in unison, and the hymn “Morning Has Broken” was then sung. The Welcome was given by Bonnie Lavway. For devotions, “Our Daily Bread” was read by Marie Bagley.

    Diane Ketchum read the secretary’s report for April 13, which was accepted as read. She then gave the treasurer’s report for the period ending April 11 showing a balance of $283.77. The report was accepted as presented. Diane then had the roll call of units with each reporting on new missions they had undertaken during the past year. It was wonderful to learn of all the projects the various United Methodist Women’s groups have undertaken during the past year.

    Donna Brewer gave the Northern District Report. Donna reported that the Northeastern Jurisdiction UMW Quadrennial Meeting will be in Hershey, Pa., on June 17-21. The School of Christian Mission will be held at Southern New Hampshire University, Manchester, N.H., July 27-29; the Northern Maine District annual meeting will be on Oct. 6 at Bangor First UMC; the New England Conference UMW annual meeting will be held at Faith UMC, South Burlington, Vt., on Oct. 20.

    Lavone then called each unit to come forward and present the names of those who had passed away during the year and offered a prayer at the conclusion of the lighting of the memorial candle.

    The offering was taken followed by the Doxology with Barbara VanKirk giving a prayer of dedication. Special Music was “O How I Love Jesus” with Alma Pelletier as pianist.

    Donna Brewer announced that items for the silent auction were on display in the dining room and could be viewed during the lunch hour.

    An invitation for the next Sub-District meeting to be held in April 2013 was extended by Caribou. It is planned to change the day of the meeting from Wednesday to Saturday. The group broke for lunch following a prayer of blessing given by Bonnie Lavway. Members then returned to the nave of the church following lunch for the balance of the meeting and sang “In the Garden” as the gathering hymn.

    The Nominating Committee Report, given by Barbara VanKirk, was as follows: President Lavone Walters, Vice President Charlotte Wilson, Secretary-Treasurer Elaine Bailey, Christian Person Lois McDibitt, Program Resource unfilled, Nominating Committee unfilled.

    Since there was time, the silent auction items were then distributed. The results of the auction amounted to $122 which will be added to the treasury.

    Guest speaker Kelly Gumprecht was introduced. Kelly spoke about her brother Ryan Fox who died in a tragic farm accident, leaving a wife and three young children. She became interested in forming a local grief group to help children express their feelings of loss since there is no help in Aroostook County as there is in the Bangor and Portland areas. She is finding it difficult for families to use their help, training and resources. She distributed brochures and asked for help to spread the word. Today’s offering was given to Kelly to help her in this cause.

    Barbara thanked those attending for their generosity in bringing the items for the Caribou Food Cupboard. She also thanked Washburn for hosting the event and Alma Pelletier, the guest pianist. The closing hymn “Come, Christians, Join To Sing” was followed by the benediction.

    Tomi Henderson is the correspondent for Mars Hill, Blaine, Bridgewater and Westfield. She can be reached at 429-9126 or e-mail