What Kids Say
Scott Mitchell Johnson talked to students at Fort Fairfield Elementary School
“What is something special that your Mom does for you?”
Abby Newland
Age: 5
“She cooks food like macaroni and cheese and peanut butter sandwiches.
She also buys cookies at the store.
There’s black on the tops, another black on the bottom and there’s white inside it.
They’re really good. She also brings me to school.”
Emma Newland
Age: 5
“She colors with me.
I’m the better artist, but she stays in the lines.
Sometimes she’ll share her soda with me.
Mommy also takes me to the doctor when I’m sick
and she brings me bandages when I havea boo-boo.”
Micah Daigle
Age: 6
“She reads me bedtime stories.
I forget the name of my favorite book but it’s really funny.
When we go grocery shopping on Fridays she lets me pick out a treat.
I usually pick out honey buns.”
Bryce Dean
Age: 6
First grade
“She takes good care of me and watches me when Daddy’s at work.
She also buys food for us to eat, and then I help her around the house.
I like to help wash the dishes.”
Meghan Boardman
Age: 8
Second grade
“She plays with me and does the laundry.
We like to play board games.
We love Candyland a lot.
I usually win, but she probably lets me win sometimes.
She’s a really nice Mom. She also makes really good tacos.”
Sophie Giberson
Age: 9
Fourth grade
“She’s a great cooker and a wonderful Mom.
She makes good spaghetti and pizza.
We also play board games and card games together.
Recently we played Skip-Bo and she won.
She’s wonderful because she gives me good hugs and kisses.”