To the Editor;
This letter is an expression of gratitude and admiration for a few of Caribou’s community services on behalf of Phil LeVasseur, Penny LeVasseur, and Mike LeVasseur.
On May 7, one hour after my husband and I arrived from Virginia to visit my parents in Caribou, my father collapsed from a leaking aneurism. He was flown from Cary Medical Center to Eastern Maine Medical Center where he underwent and survived major vascular surgery.
Unlike bad news which travels like wild fire, I am optimistic in spreading the good news that our family experienced in this little town of Caribou, Maine. First, the ambulance crew arrived promptly during the 9-1-1 call. Thank you to the ambulance workers who stood by to transport my father to the airport. The emergency room crew was professional and swift on that day. Thank you to Dr. Harrigan who did not waste any time in obtaining an accurate diagnosis. Thanks to the ER nurses who worked with my father and “packed him up tightly” in order to maintain his blood pressure. Your quick and coordinated responses were recognized and appreciated. Thank you to those who took care of my father on the flight to EMMC. Finally, we wish to thank the pilot who quickly refueled and flew the plane to Bangor. All services were professionally and efficiently carried out.
The details and recounting of events of that day are untold here, many things that some would refer to as coincidental, yet we know them to be of Divine intervention. On behalf of my family, I would like to thank these community servants for a job well done in that tall order of the day.
Lynne Lunsford
Farmville, Va.