Students at Fort Fairfield High School honored
by the Fort Fairfield Rotary Club
Photos courtesy of the Fort Fairfield Rotary Clu
MELISSA McKENNEY, a senior at Fort Fairfield High School, was recently recognized by the Fort Fairfield Rotary Club as one of the January/February Rotary Spirit Student Award recipients. The student award program seeks to recognize student achievement throughout the school year, across grades 9 through 12. Pictured at a March 28 recognition breakfast are, from left, front row: Mitzi McKenney, Melissa’s mother; McKenney, and her father, Dan. Back row: Stephanie Beaulieu, club president; and Tracy Copeland, Rotary Spirit Student Award program chair. |
MATTHEW THERIAULT, a sophomore at Fort Fairfield High School, was recognized at a March 28 breakfast hosted by the Fort Fairfield Rotary Club as one of the January/February Rotary Spirit Student Award recipients. The program selection criteria cover academics, citizenship and personal development. Congratulating Theriault are, from left, front row: Bonnie Theriault, Matthew’s mother; Theriault, and Rachel Elmore, faculty nominator. Back row: Tracy Copeland, Rotary Spirit Student Award program chair and Stephanie Beaulieu, club president. |
MEGAN JELLISON, a freshman at Fort Fairfield High School, was honored at a May 23 breakfast as one of the Rotary Club’s March/April Rotary Spirit Student Award recipients. In addition to receiving a certificate, Jellison’s photo will now be placed on the school bulletin board and website. Pictured at the breakfast are, from left, front row: Kerrie Alley, co-faculty nominator; Stephanie Beaulieu, Rotary Club president; and Jellison. Back row: Jarrett Martin, co-faculty nominator; Tracy Copeland, Spirit Award Committee chair; and Jellison’s mother and father, Elaine and Wayne. |
CALEB DAIGLE, a freshman at Fort Fairfield High School, was recently named one of the Rotary Club’s March/April Rotary Spirit Student Award recipients. Daigle was honored at a May 23 breakfast where he received an achievement certificate. Pictured at the breakfast are, from left, front row: Stephanie Beaulieu, Rotary Club president; Daigle and his father, Mike; and Rachel Elmore, faculty nominator. Back: Tracy Copeland, Spirit Award Committee chair. |