Students at Fort Fairfield High School honored by the Fort Fairfield Rotary Club

13 years ago

Students at Fort Fairfield High School honored

by the Fort Fairfield Rotary Club


Photos courtesy of the Fort Fairfield Rotary Clu


    MELISSA McKENNEY, a senior at Fort Fairfield High School, was recently recognized by the Fort Fairfield Rotary Club as one of the January/February Rotary Spirit Student Award recipients. The student award program seeks to recognize student achievement throughout the school year, across grades 9 through 12. Pictured at a March 28 recognition breakfast are, from left, front row: Mitzi McKenney, Melissa’s mother; McKenney, and her father, Dan. Back row: Stephanie Beaulieu, club president; and Tracy Copeland, Rotary Spirit Student Award program chair.



    MATTHEW THERIAULT, a sophomore at Fort Fairfield High School, was recognized at a March 28 breakfast hosted by the Fort Fairfield Rotary Club as one of the January/February Rotary Spirit Student Award recipients. The program selection criteria cover academics, citizenship and personal development. Congratulating Theriault are, from left, front row: Bonnie Theriault, Matthew’s mother; Theriault, and Rachel Elmore, faculty nominator. Back row: Tracy Copeland, Rotary Spirit Student Award program chair and Stephanie Beaulieu, club president.



    MEGAN JELLISON, a freshman at Fort Fairfield High School, was honored at a May 23 breakfast as one of the Rotary Club’s March/April Rotary Spirit Student Award recipients. In addition to receiving a certificate, Jellison’s photo will now be placed on the school bulletin board and website. Pictured at the breakfast are, from left, front row: Kerrie Alley, co-faculty nominator; Stephanie Beaulieu, Rotary Club president; and Jellison. Back row: Jarrett Martin, co-faculty nominator; Tracy Copeland, Spirit Award Committee chair; and Jellison’s mother and father, Elaine and Wayne.



     CALEB DAIGLE, a freshman at Fort Fairfield High School, was recently named one of the Rotary Club’s March/April Rotary Spirit Student Award recipients. Daigle was honored at a May 23 breakfast where he received an achievement certificate. Pictured at the breakfast are, from left, front row: Stephanie Beaulieu, Rotary Club president; Daigle and his father, Mike; and Rachel Elmore, faculty nominator. Back: Tracy Copeland, Spirit Award Committee chair.