Homemakers Extension meets

12 years ago

    PRESQUE ISLE — The Spragueville Homemakers Extension held its annual picnic June 25 at the Aroostook State Park mountain picnic area, with 13 members and six guests attending.

    Following the potluck meal, a short business meeting was called to order by President Sylvia Harper, who thanked everyone for bringing the abundance of wonderful food to the picnic.


    The Homemakers Creed was recited, roll call taken and volunteer hours recorded. LaVone Walters followed by giving her secretary/treasurer’s reports.

    Harper read correspondence from the board of directors of the St. Appollonia Dental Clinic, thanking the extension for its donation of a variety of children’s reading and activity books for their waiting room. Harper said she and Carmen Wiggins were given a tour of the facility when they delivered the donations.

    Harper also thanked everyone for the food and involvement in serving the luncheon at the County Spring Tea in May. She also reported that Wiggins, Walters and Wayne Harper had spent a great deal of time working and weeding at the balloon site. Nick Powers had also helped with the mulching. She said the area looked nice and urged fellow members to stop by and check it out.

    Harper brought up the subject of the fair booth and this year’s theme will be “This is what we do …” She then asked for volunteers to form a fair booth committee. Lois Griffin volunteered to be the chairperson. Betty Ryder, Marianne Thomas and Wiggins volunteered to help. Committee members will have a planning meeting in the near future. Members will be able to sign up for security detail at the fair’s Exhibition Building as soon as a work schedule can be attained.

    It was suggested that the postponed May dinner outing will now be held in August., with a possible ride/tour on “Molly the Trolley” prior to a noon time luncheon. Ann Knight was elected to inquire about the availability of “Molly,” with a date to be decided later.

    “Eye Openers” were shown prior to the meeting’s adjournment. Thomas displayed a precious baby quilit she was in the process of completing for her daughter Laura’s soon-to-be-born son. Walters modeled a beautiful quilted sweatshirt she had made.