Town manager search continues

12 years ago

By Joseph Cyr
Staff Writer

    HOULTON — The town may be getting closer to finding a new town manager.
    “The search has been narrowed down and we are currently working through the process to be able to offer the position,” said Cathy O’Leary, interim town manager. “As of Tuesday morning that has not happened yet, but we hope to finalize the process soon.”
    Houlton has been without a full-time town manager since the departure of Doug Hazlett on March 23. Hazlett, who was hired in 2005, left his position to take a job with MMG Insurance in Presque Isle. Since that time, O’Leary, the town’s assistant manager, has served as the interim manager. O’Leary has stated she was not interested in becoming the next manager.
    In June, the town advertised the position and received 31 applications during its first search. Of those 31, three candidates were chosen for interviews. After those interviews failed to produce a suitable candidate, the position was re-advertised and the process begun anew.
    Last week, Council Chairman Paul Cleary said 34 applications were received and the council began weeding through those resumes to narrow down which candidates it would interview either in person or over the telephone.
    The council originally hoped to have the position filled by July 1, but failed to meet that goal.