Community Notebook

12 years ago

Happy Losers gather
By Shirley Sides

    The Happy Losers held the weekly meeting on Aug. 15 at the Congregational Church vestry in Island Falls. Jackie Pratt, the leader opened the meeting with the usual pledge, roll call and welcomed each one to the meeting.
Ten ladies weighed-in and eight attended the meeting. Jackie Pratt was the person who lost the most weight for the week, and Loretta Bouchard was runner-up. Great job ladies!
    Weight loss for the past weeks has been excellent. The secretary and treasurer gave reports for the week. The leader led the program for the week. Her topic was on an article called Keep Weight Off For Good.
Please feel welcome to our group every Wednesday from 8 to 8:45 a.m. weigh-ins and meeting starts at 9 a.m. Call 365-4884 for more information. See you there!

Oakfield Seniors meet

    Oakfield Senior Citizens have had a busy and interesting summer! In July, Jim and Helen Blois were welcomed back after a long absence. Live music was provided by Shane Mack, Paul Armstrong, Michael Nealey and Joe Garnett.  Toes were tapping and hands clapping as everyone kept time to the great music. We are looking forward to them coming back again soon.
At the first meeting in August, 31 members and guests attended. All of the usual reports were read and accepted. Bob Locke led the business meeting. Rick Camari won the 50/50.
Auctioneers Jeanne Clements and Don Marley conducted a lively auction to benefit RSVP. Retired Senior and Volunteer Program is part of the Aroostook Agency on Aging in Presque Isle aiding all of Aroostook County with meals for shut-ins, medical transport, friendly visitors, and many more programs to assist the elderly. Right now they are having a fund-raising ticket sale with several nice prizes, fuel oil, grocery gift cards, a home crafted quilt, a painting. Tickets are available from Oakfield Senior Citizens—call Delores Locke at 757-8478.
The last meeting of August was a picnic lunch at the Houlton Information Bureau on North Street. A total of 19 members and one guest – Miley attended. Marie Gillotti won the 50/50.
Members attending these meetings were: Tessie Barrett, Linda Bartlett, Geneva Bell, Jim and Helen Blois, Kathleen Boutilier, David Burpee, Bernice Campbell, Martha Chapados, Jeanne Clements, Roger and Shirley Ethier, Thelma Flowers, Arlene Friel, Donna Furrow, Mildred Gagnon, Marie Gillotti, Mary Lawler, Bob and Delores Locke, Don and Charlotte Marley, Joe and Doreen Messina, Margaret Cameron, Bonnie Pratt, Larry and Peggy Sanders, Wannetta Townsend, George Barrows, Earl and Lottie Doughty, Ursula Levesque, Rick Camari, Barbara Doughty and Bob Barrows.
Oakfield Senior Citizens meet on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at the Smoki-Haulers Snowmobile Club in Oakfield. All seniors are invited to come, share in a potluck luncheon visit with neighbors and friends.  “Come On Down”. For more info call Delores Locke 757-8478.

Purple Hat Society
by Lois Downing

    The Purple Hat Society met at Sandy Wyman’s residence in Dyer Brook on Tuesday, Aug. 14. Because of the weather, we all ate inside. Charlotte Marley, leader, was present and greeted everyone.
I gave the blessing. After the meal, everyone introduced herself and gave their Purple Hat name. Laurie Cark was a guest. We all sang ‘’ Happy Birthday’’ to birthday celebrants, some of whom were Brenda Lacostic and Doreen Messina.
Jackie Colella read a story about a man shopping with his wife; everyone had a part to read. Sept. 11 is the date for the next gathering, which will be at Brookside Restaurant.
Attending were: from Cary, Brenda Lacostic and Jackie Colella; from Houlton, Marsha Reed and Lois Downing; from Dyer Brook, Charlotte Durr, Laurie Clark, Marie Gillotti, Wannetta Townsend and Sandy Wyman.
Also, from Oakfield, Elaine Barrett, Bernice Campbell, Mildred Gagnon, Evelyn Johnston, Ursula Levesque and Delores Locke; from Merrill, Arlene Friel, from Smyrna, Charlotte Marley and Cindy Gray; and from New Limerick, Doreen Messina.

Island Falls News

    Visiting Island Falls during the week of the Summerfest have been Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pelkey, from Minnesota, and Barry Pelkey from So. Portland. They are the children of Gilbert and Lenora Pelkey, and are former residents of Island Falls, who really enjoy the trip back home each year and meeting with old acquaintances each year and attending the Alumni banquet and annual Summerfest parade.
Joyce and Diane Curry have spent some time recently at the Curry homestead taking in some of the Summerfest activities. They were joined by brother Phil and wife Polly and all attended the Alumni banquet held on August 4 and on August 5 the annual Summerfest parade, which this year celebrated the 140th birthday of Island Falls. All have since returned to their homes in Portland and Pine Point.
I recently received a letter from Clayton Varney, former resident of Island Falls, who now lives in Texas. All is well with him and his family and he says it is still very hot there most of the time, but he is getting used to no snow and ice in the winter. Despite the few showers we have had in this area the lawns still look pretty brown and there is not much mowing being done.
I found quite a few skunk holes in my lawns the other day but not as bad as last year, mainly because of the dry conditions, I assume. Still have hummingbirds around but the others, nuthatches and goldfinch and chickadees are in hiding somewhere, as are the deer. Maybe cooler weather will bring them all back.