The Region Two chapter of SkillsUSA kicked off its fund-raising efforts at the Sherman Bandstand last month. Outgoing chapter Secretary Amanda Therrien, of Smyrna Mills, won a bronze medal in the Employment Application Process competition last March at the SkillsUSA state competition held at the United Technology Center in Bangor. Therrien will pursue her career goals in the program that she studied at Region Two, Culinary Arts, at Eastern Maine Community College this spring.
FUND RAISING — Amanda Therrien of Smyrna Mills works the concession booth at the Sherman Bandstand last month to raise money for the SkillsUSA group.
SkillsUSA is Region Two’s school-wide student organization dedicated to community service, service learning, and student professional development. Their fundraising efforts help students compete in their career and technical fields of study against other CTE (career and technical education) schools to earn a chance to compete at the national level in Kansas City, in June. Formerly known as VICA, Region Two competed for the first time in ten years at the state competition last March.
Region Two Auto Body Instructor Ammie London and Applied Academics Instructor Bo Zabierek are the Advisors for the Region Two Houlton SkillsUSA chapter.