Citizens group PACE introduces canine to the city of Caribou

12 years ago

NE-PACE2-AR-38By Lisa Wilcox
Staff Writer

CARIBOU — Meet Spera. Spera is a 10-week-old, rambunctious and intelligent purebred German shepherd puppy. She is one of Caribou’s newest residents with special intentions. You see, Spera wants to be the city’s police dog when she grows up.

For a minimal down payment on her training, Liberatore K-9, a shepherd breeder and training agency based out of Hudson, Maine, provided Spera to the citizens group People for Aroostook Canine Enforcement, or PACE. PACE was formed with the purpose of raising both awareness about the benefits of having a community police dog and funds to acquire and maintain the animal. Once Spera is fully trained in tracking and drug enforcement, PACE would like to donate her to the Caribou Police Department to aid in serving and protecting the citizens of Caribou. While Caribou is the city PACE has chosen, the group has no affiliation with their police department and absolutely no commitment has been made from the city of Caribou to take on Spera or any other dog.

Spera is currently living with PACE member Jason Matheson’s family. Matheson, who is a Caribou police officer, is working on a training program with her and he believes she is on the fast track to becoming a top-notch police dog.

“She could be ready by spring or early summer, based on her current development,” Matheson advised, adding that he and wife Carrie are using positive reinforcement techniques to train the pup. Spera comes from a long line of working police dogs. Her grandmother worked border patrol in Europe. PACE Coordinator Jen Poitras, a teacher at Limestone Community School, believes Spera has a very strong drive and credits that mostly to her bloodline.

Citing how crucial response time is in finding missing persons, Poitras stressed what a useful tool she believes Spera would be for the Caribou Police Department.

“I hope Caribou will eventually let us donate her,” Poitras stated. “She would not only benefit Caribou, but also other neighboring communities.”

PACE currently has over 130 members nationwide, based on followers of their Facebook page. Local members meet on a weekly basis at Tim Hortons in Caribou and are accepting new members and volunteers to help with public awareness and fund-raising events. PACE members chose Spera’s name via a poll on Facebook. Appropriate to the group’s mission, Spera means “hope” in Latin.

PACE set up a table at the Caribou Little League awards ceremony held at the Caribou Performing Arts Center on Sept. 8 to gather signatures from those who support the city acquiring Spera. Poitras was pleased with the number of citizens willing to sign.

“I printed 10 pages for signatures,” she said, “and seven were filled. I’m happy with that.”

Aroostook Republican Photo/Lisa Wilcox
Caribou citizens gathered at a table set up by PACE, People for Aroostook Canine Enforcement, during the Caribou Little League awards ceremony on Sept. 8 at the Caribou Performing Arts Center to provide their signature in support of PACE donating a canine to the Caribou Police Department for tracking and drug enforcement purposes

Spera briefly made her first public appearance at the event and was a popular attraction, enjoying the attention from the continuous line of people filing by and providing a playful pat on the head.

“Isn’t she great?” Poitras beamed of the all-black bundle of fur.

The group was also selling vehicle decals that feature the PACE logo, which was voluntarily created by Boulevard Graphix of Limestone. The decals are available to the public for a donation of $25. All monies raised go toward training and upkeep expenses for Spera.

Poitras encourages anyone interested in PACE to visit their Facebook page or attend a meeting.

“This is a gift that my generation can give to the city,” she said. “We can’t be successful without numerous hands on board.”

PACE members have already made a presentation to the Caribou City Council and hope that if enough community interest is expressed, they can move along the process toward approval of Spera’s donation to the city. If Caribou decides not to accept Spera, Matheson is certain her training will not be in vain.

“We’d like it to be Caribou, but she’ll be put to use somewhere,” he stated.

For more information about PACE, or to join or donate, go to their Facebook page at, or send them an email at