By Tammie Mulvey
Houlton Rotary Club
HOULTON — The Houlton Rotary Club, in collaboration with Rotary International, is sending a team of Rotarians to the Dominican Republic to install Bio-Sand Water Filtration systems. The Houlton Rotary members that are going is Ryan Bushey, Amy Hocking, Scott White with his daughter Franki White, Mac Randolph with Nancy, and Tammie Mulvey.
The group has had several donations from both individuals and business and Rotary extends its gratitude for those donations. The group is very close to meeting its financial goal. Anyone interested in supporting the cause can visit and donate online with a PayPal account.
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FUNDRAISER — The Houlton Rotary Club thanks all who attended and supported them during the Spaghetti Supper at the Elks on Friday night. Helping with the dinner are front from left, Club President Ryan Bushey and Vice President Lori Weston; and back, Pam White, Franki White and Olivia White.
Houlton Rotary Club is part of a larger district that includes all of Aroostook County, some of Canada and down to Calais. Under District Governor Leigh Cummings last year the group raised with matching grant funds over $100,000 for the Water filtration systems that will be installed.
“We are very excited about the trip,” said Tammie Mulvey, Rotary spokesperson. “It is a great humanitarian project that will help people less fortunate than ourselves to have good clean water to drink. So again thank you to all that have provided any type of support.”