Contributed photo/Tomi HendersonThe Houlton Junior High Cheerleaders competed in the 2013 Junior High Aroostook League Cheering Competition on Thursday, Jan. 10, in Mars Hill. Coached by Renae Foley, the team received the award for Team Tumbling. Members of the team include Hannah
Jacobs, Chloe Davis, Lexi Fore, Toni MacDonald, Josie Hare (individual Jumps award), Maraya Kini, Medinah Diane, Sarah Delano, Hannah Foley, Taylor Reed, Megan McLaughlin (individual Jumps award), Jennah Blake, Rachel Toupin, Tessa Roshto, MacKenzie Hunt, Emily Miller, Cassie Butler, Brea Sabatis, Alex Maker and MacKenzie Anderson.