Senior citizens attend January meeting
by Debbie Smith
The Easton Happy Days Club met Jan. 10 at the Manor for their first meeting of 2013. There were 11 members and two guests present. Guests were Hillary Hallett and her baby girl, Peyton. We welcomed a new member, Irene DaFonte, to the club.
After the salute to the flag and the piano playing of “My Country Tis of Thee” by Liana Demerchant, the meeting was opened by club President Nina Trask. We decided to buy two new rockers for the club; Paul and Liana Demerchant will be in charge of the new purchases.
Our next meeting will be held on Jan. 24 with a potluck lunch at 11:30 a.m. We will be voting for new officers. Our Nominating Committee includes: Marie Hewitt, Arlene Ladner and Ezalee Smith. Hope to see everyone there. Easton seniors age 55 or above are invited to attend and bring a guest.

The Easton Bear is leading the crowd in a cheer for the Bears. Go Bears.
Students of the Month
Melissa Pelkey
was chosen to be the Student of the Month for the month of November. Melissa Pelkey, a senior, is the daughter of Carlene Pelkey of Easton. She is a very good student and gets along with all her peers. Congratulations, Melissa.
Wyatt Brewer
The Student of the Month for December was Wyatt Brewer. Wyatt is the 4th grade son of Nicholas and Randi Brewer. He is a hardworking and conscientious young man who always has a smile or a kind word for those around him. He gives his best effort in his classes and sets a good example for his peers on a daily basis.
Wyatt is also a proud member of the BEARS Club at Easton Elementary School. He will be treated to lunch with Mrs. Malenfant, compliments of Subway Restaurant in Presque Isle.
Logan Halvorson
a freshman in Easton, was chosen for December Student of the Month. He is the son of Phil and Barb Halvorson. Logan gets along very well with others and helps out whenever he can. Logan played soccer for the Easton Bears and is now actively involved in basketball and is a starter on the varsity team. Congratulations, Logan.
Debbie Smith is the correspondent for Easton. She can be reached by e-mail at or call 488-5530.