4-H intoduces youth shooting club

12 years ago

By Gloria Austin
Staff Writer
    The Aroostook County 4-H program is offering an informational meeting to introduce a new 4-H Youth Shooting Sports Club.
    The club is open to all County youth, with monthly meetings being held in Caribou at the recreation center.

    The club will begin with archery and advance to firearm safety, said Linda Trickey of UMaine Cooperative Extension program.
    “I know that we have some kids in the area that are interested, so I want them to know about this meeting,” she added.
    No schedule has been developed since it will depend on how many youth show up to the meeting and what their interests are.
    Youth ages 12-18 and their parents are invited to attend the first meeting at the Caribou Parks and Recreation Department Wellness Center on 55 Bennett Drive on Thursday,  Feb. 14 at 6:30 p.m. to learn more.
    4-H is a learn-by-doing program for youth ages 5-18 and offers hands-on learning activities that teach valuable skills to help them become successful adults and leaders, noted Trickey. Club activities are based on the interests of the 4-H members and clubs are led by trained volunteers. 4-H is administered by UMaine Extension. For more information about 4-H in Aroostook county, contact Trickey at 1-800-287-1469 or e-mail linda.trickey@maine.edu.