Beta Sigma Phi holds chapter meeting

12 years ago

Beta Sigma Phi holds chapter meeting

    Maine Epsilon Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi met on Jan. 19 at the Mark and Emily Turner Memorial Library. Hostesses were Bonnie Cowett and Betsy Fitzherbert.

    Guest speaker Diana Leighton gave updates on future renovations for the library as well as information about programs being planned for the community.

    President Pam Palm called the business meeting to order. Updates were given on members who have recently been ill. The service committee made motions to donate money to a local family in need and to Helping Hands of Aroostook. The social committee planned a movie night for Jan. 21. Refreshments were served by Bonnie Cowett, Peggy Erwin and Betsy Fitzherbert.

    The next meeting will be March 21 at 7 p.m. at the home of Dolores Hutchins.