The final Health Services Foundation Diamond raffle has been completed.
“An amazing effort to sell raffle tickets for our last year in partnership with Goodrich Jewelry amounted to 805 tickets being sold out of 930 – pretty wonderful. This event has grossed $164,453 in monies raised and that allows a lot of giving back to our communities in support our local healthcare providers needs,” said Elizabeth Dulin, Houlton Services Foundation executive director.
Pioneer Times photograph/Gloria Austin
SPARKLING DIAMONDS — The Health Services Foundation announced the winners of its final Diamond Raffle fundraiser. From left, Elizabeth Dulin, executive director of the foundation and Walter Goodrich of Goodrich’s Jewelry stand with prize winners, Donna Anderson, diamond ring; Barbara Bossie, pendant and Laurine Wilson, earrings and watch. The jewelry pieces presented this year were all in platinum, even the chain that held the pendant.
The recent drawings for the Health Services Foundation’s 12th annual Diamond Raffle once again, saw all prizes staying right in the local area. The winner for the diamond ring Donna Anderson of Houlton, along with the pendant, Barb Bossie of Houlton, and the earrings and watch Laurine Wilson of Houlton. In all the years this event has been held only one time did the ring leave The County, however, it still stayed in Maine. When considering tickets are sold all over the country and everything has always stayed right here that is pretty remarkable, said Dulin.
“The jewelry pieces presented this year were all in platinum, even the chain that held the pendant, which made for a very special way to end a fund-raising event that has had an ‘Amazing Run,’” Dulin added. “The Foundation is incredibly grateful to Walter Goodrich, of Goodrich Jewelry, as Walter has seen his original idea of “Why Not a Diamond Ring Raffle” to help raise funds for our hospital and local health care providers become a true success story. “He will be truly missed by everyone in our community, and especially those of us associated with the Foundation. He has always been enormously supportive of all we strive to do to raise money for the greater good of all the communities we serve,” said Dulin.
“Even though our current economic times unfortunately continue to be difficult, that has not deterred people from purchasing a ticket as they know when the Foundation is doing a fundraiser it is for a ‘Really Good Cause,’” continued Dulin.
The foundation is planning to continue — even though it will not have Goodrich’s as a partner next year. The Foundation is planning on moving forward to continue the tradition and organizers are already working on plans for wonderful diamond surprises on Valentine’s Day 2014. So stay tuned.
“We extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who has supported this event over all these years, as the response to purchasing tickets has always been amazing,” Dulin said. “Those living in the communities who benefit from all the Foundation’s fundraisers know what it is we are trying to do when we take on campaigns for our local non-profit health care providers. They know we are doing the very best we can for our providers by assisting with funding for state-of-the-art equipment, and other vital health care projects/programs.”
For more information regarding Foundation fundraisers, programs/projects, please contact the Foundation Office at 521-2147 or 521-2503 or visit their website at to see what we are all about, current fund-raising events and those that may be on the horizon.