Annual Stockholm Snö Festival

12 years ago
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    Making tracks during the adult snowshoe race were, from left, Deb Siddell, Angela Anderson, Roxanne Edgecomb and Kristi Peterson.


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    Landin Spooner is covered in medals and awards that he won during Stockholm’s annual Snö Festival on March 9.
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    Proving that the annual Snö Festival is as much for the adults as the children, grown-ups shown participating in the sled race were, from left, Joe Solomon, Erin Tateishi-Ouellette, Steve Gray, Angela Anderson and Roxanne Edgecomb.
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    Winners of the Ralph Ostlund and Adella Johnson races this year were, respectively, Lance Lagasse and Kendra Furber.
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    Ready to rock the race, Lance Lagasse and Kendra Furber get ready to pull their partners, Nick Afario and Shane Furber, respectively, down the snowy field.
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    Victoriously bounding their way toward the finish line during the annual Snö Festival in Stockholm were, from left, Ilsah Peterson, Emily Gendreau, Gabbie Anderson and Phoebe Solomon.
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    Proudly displaying her many awards from the annual Snö Festival in Stockholm is Emma Hixon. 
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    Glen Peterson created his own comfortable vantage point to photograph the annual Snö Festival in Stockholm on March 9.