Aroostook League awards top high school athletes

12 years ago
Contributed photo/jMavor Photography
    Brendan Wood, a senior wrestler for the Caribou Vikings, was selected as an Aroostook League all-star for the 2012-13 season.

    The Aroostook League has developed an awards program for their member schools to honor athletes as “All-Aroostook” for their accomplishments during their sport seasons.
    Team sports All-Aroostook – soccer, basketball, baseball, softball and tennis – are selected by the coaches while individual sports All-Aroostook – cross country, golf, alpine and Nordic skiing, swimming, wrestling and track and field – are selected by criteria established by the Aroostook League.

    Athletes are awarded an All-Aroostook certificate at their winter sports award assemblies by the coaches of their various sports.

Class B/C basketball-boys
    Caribou: Matt Milliard, Derek Richardson and Dayne Savage; Fort Kent: Charlie Nadeau; Houlton: Kyle Bouchard and Nick Guiod; Madawaska: Ian Lee; Presque Isle: Tyler Brooks, Bradley Shields and Jonah Stephenson

Class B/C basketball-girls

Staff photo/Joseph Cyr
    Sydney Churchill of Fort Fairfield was named a Class D basketball All-Aroostook player.
Contributed photo/jMavor Photography
    Riley McDuffie of the Caribou ski  team was named All-Aroostook.

    Caribou: Alexa Massey and Rebecca McDougal; Fort Kent: Lauren Doak and Chelsea Plourde; Houlton: Marina Cameson, Tori Hanson and Natalie Hill; Madawaska: Kelly Dugal; and Presque Isle: Hannah Graham, Chandler Guerrette and Megan Ireland.

Class D basketball-boys
    Ashland: Tyler Levesque; Central Aroostook: Chandler Brewer, Steven Decker and Joe Stiles: East Grand: Logan Crone; Easton: Jared Hafford and Hunter Turner; Fort Fairfield: Andrew Lewis; Greater Houlton Christian Academy: Deyrell Vargas; Hodgdon: Chris Hudson, Josh Hudson and Tyler Sherman; Katahdin: Colton Bivighouse and Wyatt Morse; Limestone/MSSM: Nate Tucker: Southern Aroostook: Jesse Boulier; Van Buren – Marc Lajoie and Caleb Roy; Washburn: Mitchell Worcester; Wisdom: Nate Boynton.

Class D basketball-girls
    Ashland: Kayla Cote; Central Aroostook: Kayla Cushman and Sarah Grass; East Grand: Shauna Beaudoin; Easton: Carla Halvorson; Fort Fairfield: Logan Bubar, Sydney Churchill and Whitney McNamee; GHCA: Olivia Lord and Colby Walker; Hodgdon: Lacey McQuarrie, Jennah Steamer and Mariah Wiley; Katahdin: Megan Merry; Limestone/MSSM: Chelsey Pelkey; Southern Aroostook: Sable Altvater and Jessica Tucker; Van Buren: Felisha Bouchard and Parise Rossignol; Washburn: Carmen Bragg, Carsyn Koch and Mackenzie Worcester.

Nordic events-boys
    Caribou: Brendan Cyr, Keith Draper, Riley McDuffie and Caleb Willett; Fort Fairfield: Lance McKenney; Fort Kent: Kamran Husain, Cody Johnson and Matt Toussaint; Katahdin: Daniel Strienz; Madawaska: Darin Jandreau; Presque Isle: Jon Rochester.

Nordic events-girls
    Caribou: Chelsea Bard, Lauren Chapman, Sarah Doak, Ginger Kieffer, Ashley Richards and Anna Soderberg; Katahdin: Hannah Streinz and Lydia Streinz; Fort Kent: Erin Chasse and Gentle Prescott.

Alpine events-boys
    Central Aroostook: Austin Caverhill; Caribou: Nolan McDuffie; Fort Kent: Trevor Daigle, Joey Guimond, Adam Labbe, Brady Lizotte, Brandon Ouellette, Andrew Paradis and Carter Voisine; Presque Isle: Kyle MacCallum, Gabe Player and Bryce Smith.

Alpine events-girls
    Central Aroostook: Whitney Cote and Samantha Kearney; Caribou: Courtney Burby; Fort Kent:  Samantha Dubay, Danielle Ouellette, Savannah Paradis and Alexa Pelletier; Madawaska: Julia Richards; Presque Isle: Emma Bartlett, Cameo Madore and Shannon Sweeney; Wisdom: Taylor Hobbs.

Alpine/Nordic events-girls
    Fort Kent: Rudy Martin.

    Caribou: Grant Bennett, Tom McLean, Darren Newbegin and Austin Scott; Presque Isle: Lewis Amero, Matt Burtt, David Cyr, Nate Dewitt, Dustin Drabek, Keegan Ennis, Alex Hemphill and Joshua Jones.

    Caribou: Laksmis Johnson; Fort Fairfield: Alexis Coiley; Presque Isle: Sara Gilson, Jackie Lambert, Naomi McEachern, Emma Michalowski and Heather Nadeau.

    Caribou: Jake Bither, Jacob Burby, Robert Caudill, Trevonte Caudill, Axios Gerakaris, Matt Manter, Tsion McLeod, Mike Selander, Aaron Simon and Brendan Wood; Fort Kent: Josh Pelletier and Jeremy Voisine.