The Mysterious House
By Ashlee Harris and Annika Nicholas
Grade 6
Fort Street Elementary School
“Ring, ring, ring, ring,” went the phone.
“Hello?” asked Lily nervously.
“Hi, Lily, it’s Christina, I was just wondering if you were going tricker treating with me next Wednesday?” asked Christina.
“Yes, I am, I’m wearing an M&M costume, what are you wearing?” asked Lily.
“I am wearing a pumpkin costume, it’s going to look so funny!” said Christina.
One week later
“O, I can’t wait to get the most candy on my street,” said Christina.
“Yeah, me too,” replied Lily.
Lily and Christina went to each and every house, until they got to a house that looked abandoned. But they though it was just part of the decoration. So they went up to the house. They knocked on the door. Nobody answered the door. But what they didn’t know was that it was a Haunted House. So they thought that you had to go into the house to go to a party.
“Just like my house. You have to go in my house to get your candy,” said Christina.
So Christina and Lily went into the house. They went up the old rickety steps.
“Are you sure this is a Halloween house that we are supposed to go in?” asked Lily.
“I think so,” said Christina.
“I’m so scared!” said Lily.
“AAAAAAAAAA!!!” screamed a voice.
“What was that?” asked Lily.
“I don’t know,” said Christina.
So Christina and Lily went to the door and saw two shadows. One body fell down.
“Ha, ha, ha!” laughed a voice.
“Step, step, step,” went footsteps.
“Somebody is coming!” whispered Lily.
“I know, run!” screamed Christina.
“Come here little girls!” said a voice.
“AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!” screamed the girls.
“Go faster!” screamed Christina.
“I’m going as fast as I can,” said Lily.
“If you don’t go any faster we could die!” screamed Christina.
“I know, I know,” said Lily.
“We need to find a door,” screamed Christina.
“Good idea!” said Lily.
One hour later
“Ow thank goodness we found a door,” said Christina.
“Let’s get out of here,” said Lily.
“Hurry, get in there!” whispered Christina.
“I’m sorry,” whispered Lily.
While Lily and Christina were getting in the door they didn’t see that the man was right behind them. They got in the door.
“Wow, did you bring your flashlight? Because this looks like a cave!” said Lily.
“Yes I did and it does look like a cave,” said Christina.
“Well, what are you waiting for, Christina, let’s go in,” said Lily.
“Fine, your so bossy,” said Christina.
“You know, I don’t have to be your friend. I’m always the one who does every thing for us,” said Lily.
“Yeah, and you wanted to go into the house and look what happened, we are going to die,” said Lily.
“You think I knew that house was pretty much going to kill us,” said Christina.
“Christina, you never think before you do something,” said Lily.
“Yes, I do. Like remember the time that you said we should go into the bathroom at school and I said no because I heard the popular girls were in the bathroom that always say our clothes look horrible,” said Christina.
“Yah, but you still go us into this mess, when I said we shouldn’t go into the house you still said we should,” said Lily.
“Anyways, we need to just find our way out of here,” said Christina.
“I know that’s what I have been telling you,” said Lily.
“O don’t start with me again, do you really want a fight again,” said Christina.
“No I don’t so let’s play the quiet game,” said Lily.
“Okay so we won’t fight,” said Christina.
“I have to go now, bye,” said Lily.
“MMMMMMMHHHHHHHMMMMMMMM!!!’ said Lily trying to talk as somebody closed her mouth with their hand.
Then Lily bit the person’s hand. They let go. Lily turned around and saw that it was Jeff from her class that was always so annoying.
“Jeff, were you the one who was at the haunted house?” asked Lily.
“Yes that was so funny, you guys were so scared!” exclaimed Jeff.
“Har, har. Hey, Christina come on out it’s just Jeff!” said Lily loudly.
Christina came out and Jeff apologized and Lily and Christina went back to tricker treating and Jeff went on his way.