Island Falls news

12 years ago

The Country Jamboree got off to a good start on April 3 with around thirty some people attending. All were happy to see Clinton Roy back after a long illness and there was good food to snack on, good music to dance to and lots of singing with Clayton Webb singing a couple of solos. The Jamboree meets every Wednesday at the snowmobile club from 6-9 p.m. and everyone is welcome.

The Island Falls VFW 7529 will have its monthly supper on April 20 with chef Chief Gray Hawk and his wife as the cooks. I haven’t heard what the menu will be, but I am sure it will be good, as always. Supper will be served from 6-8 p.m. and the public is cordially invited. The new River Cafe being developed at the Red Brick garage is coming along very well and owner, Peter Connelly, hopes that it will be ready to open by the end of April.
Cosmetic work is still being done in other parts of the Red Brick garage meanwhile as there is a lot of space there to be made over.
I am having a terrible time with the pesky squirrels as I am beginning to believe that they think all those feeders are theirs alone. Guess I am going to have to buy squirrel resistant feeders in order to keep the little birds fed…Still have the pair of cardinals who still come to the open feeders when the pesky squirrels are not there.
Was out filling the feeders one early morning and something caught my eye in my back yard—-turned quickly to see what it was and it was a fox, running from my yard over towards Sam’s. He wasn’t very big and looked lean and hungry.
Right now the deer are really coming a lot to my area and grazing on whatever they find in the new growth on the lawn. The other day I noticed that one was having a nap under the trees on the edge of my lawn while the rest were busy eating. I have a friend who lives on the road to Patten and he sees lots of deer in his area, too and some he says are quite small. I have two small ones who arrive with the bigger ones.  Snow is pretty well gone on parts of my back lawn so there will be more growth for the deer to munch on soon.