Senator has betrayed our trust

12 years ago

To the editor:
 When did Senator Collins start voting for what she thinks is right rather than what her constituents know to be right for them? In her own words she said her vote for this background checks bill isn’t popular in “her” state. So why then isn’t she voting for the populous?

    We know from research and studies that these background checks are a burden for the government. and for us, and stats prove (dare I mention Chicago, Detroit, L.A. and D.C.?) they have virtually no impact on gun violence. Most importantly they are just another subtle but very clear violation of our Rights, which help further government’s agenda of data mining/collecting (medical, military, school records, etc.) which incrementally takes away more of our freedoms.
 Collins has betrayed our trust and lost the support of many of us by voting with emotion rather than reason and logic. She has shown us that she no longer represents the majority who put her in office.

Dave Henggeler