Backpack for Kids receives financial support

12 years ago

    HOULTON — In 2013, the Backpack for Kids program has seen an increase from serving 35-40 children to serving 40-46 children. Houlton Rotarians learned this information during one of the group’s regular business meetings.

    “We have had an increased interest for our program this year due to hard times with our economy,” said Moose Karnes, spokesperson. “If we had the monies, we could serve up to 30-35 families. The cost to run our program, due to food cost increases, has gone up from last year by thirteen percent.”
Contributed photo/Michael Clark
BU-clr-Rotary Moose-dcx2-pt-18BACKPACK DONATION — Ryan Bushey (right) outgoing president of Houlton Rotary presents a check to Moose Karnes from Backpacks for Kids.
    The program, now in its third year, is a 36-week project helping 40-46 children from 17 families with backpacks filled with food for the weekends. With financial help from County Yankee, Houlton Rotary Club, Houlton United Methodist Church, and many single donations, the group will be able to continue this needed program.
    All the monies we collect go directly to the cost of the food. During the year 2012, the Backpacks for Kids program spent $10,500.