Featured speakers

12 years ago

Contributed photo/Michael Clark
BU-CLR-Rotary Guest-dcx-pt-19The Houlton Rotary Club welcomed Joe Ewing and James Tash of U.S. Customs and Border Protection Office of

Field Operations as featured speakers April 29. Both are nationally certified Intermediate Force Instructors with a combined total of 23 years of experience. The two gave a demonstration on self-defense techniques, with lots of hands on demonstrations. Rotarian Chris Sullivan took part in the demonstrations. They showed a few moves that were easy to do and could help anyone in a difficult physical situation. The main lesson that Rotarians learned was “What is the main objective when it appears like a physical altercation is about to take place?” The answer is to avoid the altercation. Often people can tell when the potential risk is getting higher, like when the other person is looking you straight on (you then should just move slightly to the side), when a person clenches their fist (you move back a few steps), voice rising or red in face (again move to side or back). If the person decides to get physical, one of the most important things you do is holler and scream to get someone’s attention. As many know things are changing, and if you can take a self-defense class that would be recommended — it is always better to be safe than sorry. Participants were, from left, Rotary President Ryan Bushey, Sullivan, Ewing and Tash.