Washburn students interact
with class in Michigan
by Beth Boddy
Ms. Pelkey’s 5th grade reading and language arts students at Washburn Elementary School recently assisted a 5th grade class in Michigan to complete their class project for National Reading Month, which was in March.
Photo courtesy of Beth Boddy
CLASS PROJECT — The SAD 45 5th grade language arts class shows off their Maine postcards before sending them off to 5th graders in Michigan. Pictured in front from left: Taya Philbrook, Skylar Mette, Mason Bartlett and Hannah Boddy. Second row: Hannah Kilcollins, Austin Hostetler, Kylie Drost, Austin McGraw and Nick McIntosh. Third row: Victoria Savoy, Emily Driscoll, Kristen Dube, Maggie Castonguay, Colby Hewitt, Cody Iott and Danielle Goulet. Back row: Noah McLaughlin, Paul Tardie, Keegan Goodine, Kyra Schumacher, Brooke Blackstone and Hannah King.
The students in the 5th grade Michigan class were given a theme of “The Fifty States” for their class project where they had to pick a state to read and learn about and then share information about their state. The class chose to learn more about the state of Maine.
The Michigan teacher found Washburn Elementary School on the Internet and contacted Ms. Pelkey about this project to see if her class would like to participate. The Michigan stduents created postcards representing their state and wrote a letter for one of their Maine counterparts. Ms. Pelkey’s students received the letters and postcards at the end of March and each student was given a letter to respond to. They all made their own Maine postcards to send to the Michigan class. The Maine students enjoyed learning new things about Michigan and liked being able to write to kids in another state that they had never met.
Photo courtesy of Beth Boddy
Parker Sawyer and Matthew Dreyer of Washburn Scout Troop 162, at right, spent time Monday, April 29, picking up trash along the ATV trail in an effort to earn their Conservation Patch.
Playground fundraiser
The Crouseville Community Playground Project will be holding a dinner and silent auction at the Washburn Trail Runners’ Clubhouse on Friday, May 17, at 6 p.m. The menu will include lasagna, salad, roll and brownie-a-la-mode. The cost of dinner will be by donation and there will also be door prizes. All proceeds will go to support the Crouseville Community Playground.
School concert
The Washburn District School Spring Concert will be held on Thursday, May 9, at 6:30 p.m. at the elementary school gym. Admission is free. There will be two raffles at the concert: one for a hanging basket of flowers and one for a roadside assistance kit donated by Clukey’s.
Historical Society
The Salmon Brook Historical Society will be holding their quarterly meeting on Thursday, May 23, at 6 p.m. at the Washburn Civic Center. A potluck supper will be followed by the annual business meeting with election of officers. Please bring a service setting and either a main dish, dessert or rolls. For more information, call Dennis Harris at 455-8279.
Those celebrating a birthday between May 8-14 include: Marty Clayton, Isaac Carney, Pam Wilcox, Jeff Wark, Darin Cunningham, Doug Everett Jr., Sandi Crouse, Velma Sperrey and Polly Vaughn.
Those celebrating an anniversary between May 8-14 include: Lyn and Shelly Gresham.
Beth Boddy is the correspondent for Perham, Wade and Washburn. She can be reached by calling 455-8427 or by e-mailing bethwood@hotmail.com.