School hosts annual Art Night
by Beth Boddy
On Wednesday, May 22, Washburn Elementary hosted its annual Art Night. The hallways were covered with the beautiful artwork of Washburn’s Pre-K through high school students.
Photos courtesy of Beth Boddy
Natalie Sharette, a third-grader at Washburn Elementary School, shows off her artwork display at the SAD 45 Art Night. The theme for this piece is “Cats in the style of Laurel Burch.”
Emma Deeves, of Washburn, poses with her sailboat she proudly made at the “Maine Themed” Story Hour at the Washburn Memorial Library.
Each grade displayed artwork based on various themes and art techniques. The parents, siblings and community members who attended were also encouraged to create their own art piece by coloring or drawing on small circles that were then stapled to a bulletin board display in the hallway.
Story Hour
Photo courtesy of Beth Boddy
NEW BOOKS — Katherine Veitschegger, librarian, displays one of the books that arrived courtesy of the grant received by Washburn Memorial Library.
On May 15, Ms. Silver’s and Mrs. Castonguay’s second grade classes from Washburn Elementary attended a Maine-themed Story Hour. The children participated in a reading of several books authored by Maine writers and illustrators, participated in a nautical-themed craft activity and each child was allowed to check out one book — made possible by the Rose and Samuel Rudman Library Trust.
The Rose and Samuel Rudman Library Trust, administered through the Maine Community Foundation, provided the Washburn Memorial Library with a check in the amount of $700. The Washburn Memorial Library, in accordance with the wishes of the granting agency, was to use the funding to start a section for Maine authors and illustrators whose material was suitable for children. With the funding the library was able to get a great start, as it currently has over 60 children’s books by Maine authors and illustrators.
If you would like to view photos of the Maine-themed Story Hour, they also appear on the Washburn Memorial Library’s Facebook page.
Contributed photo
Daniel Roy of Boy Scout Troop #177 in Washburn received Scouting’s highest rank, Eagle Scout, at an award ceremony held May 4 at State Road Advent Christian Church. The son of Kenneth and Billie Ann Roy of Washburn, he has been involved in the Washburn Scout troop for several years. Scoutmaster Larry Harrison, right, presented the Eagle Award. For his Eagle project, Roy and members of Troop 177 refurbished a small cemetery in Wade known as the Randall Family cemetery. A new sign was constructed, headstones repaired and land cleared. The town of Wade provided cost of materials and delivered loam to the site. The troop along with the help of Trevor Pendexter and his tractor then finished spreading the loam and planting grass seed. A 2013 graduate of Washburn High School, Roy will attend the University of Maine at Presque Isle in the fall.
Area ATV trails open
All Washburn trails are now open and are in good shape!
The Washburn ATV Club will be hosting a hotdog roast, by donation, at the clubhouse to be held on Saturday, June 8, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (rain date for Sunday). On the menu will be red and brown hotdogs, bag of chips, cupcakes, canned soda, bottled water, coffee and hot chocolate. There will also be a 50/50 draw — tickets are two for $1 or $5 for an arm’s length. You don’t have to be present to win. The clubhouse is located in the center of Washburn right off Trail 105 in the red potato house on Gould Street, behind Country Farms Market.
Club President Roger Hewitt asks that you please help keep the dust down through Washburn and by the Everette Road crossing on Trail 105. Club officials have laid wood chips in most needed areas and will also be laying calcium on the other areas sometime soon but they still ask people to keep speeds down for dust and also for the hikers that share the trails.
A 15 mph speed limit will be posted just in the town area and along a short section by the Everette Road. There will also be a section in this 15 mph speed zone that has a new playground at the Mill Pond. Please watch for children playing and crossing the trail.
ATV safety tips
Officials with the Washburn ATV Club offer the following safety tips:
• Anyone under 18 must wear a DOT-approved helmet;
• Drive at a reasonable speed;
• Use headlights, especially on those dusty days;
• When approaching oncoming ATVers, bicyclist and hikers, please stay safely to the right and lower your speed to make less dust, and signal if there are any ATVers behind you in your group so they can be on the lookout; and
• Stay on marked trails.
Club President Roger Hewitt said following these few tips will help keep everyone safe and provide an enjoyable ride for all.
ATV maps available
The 2013 Maine ATV maps are available at the Perham, Wade and Washburn town offices; Country Farms Market and White’s Service of Washburn; and in the map box outside the Washburn ATV Club’s building on Gould Street, as well as the map box at the Rest-a-Bit picnic area on Trail 105. Stapled inside each map is a club application and club business card.
ATV ride planned
The Washburn ATV Club will be having another club ride on Sunday, June 2, riding to Van Buren for the Van Buren club hotdog roast. Participants will be leaving the clubhouse at 8 a.m. and all are welcome!
Club meeting
The next meeting of the Washburn ATV Club will be held on Thursday, June 6, at the Clubhouse on Gould Street. Participants will enjoy pizza this month and supper will be starting at 6 p.m., with the meeting to follow at 6:30 p.m.
For updated info, you can find the club on Facebook or visit
Rec news
The Washburn Recreation Department Summer Program schedule is now available at the Recreation Department and was recently sent home with Washburn students. Registration began May 28 and continues on June 4 from 3-6 p.m.
Those celebrating a birthday between May 29 and June 4 include: Dion Creasey, Vicki Conley, Josh Wain, and Tricia Silver, Amy White, Ricky Bragg, Gwen Bragg, Marilyn Van Scooter, Scott Dow, Adam Wilcox, Karen Hatt, Emma Johnston, Scott Turner, Mike Farley, Abbie Easler and Bruce Drost.
Beth Boddy is the correspondent for Perham, Wade and Washburn. She can be reached by calling 455-8427 or by e-mailing