Colorful fundraiser open to artists

11 years ago

    PRESQUE ISLE — The sixth annual “Paint the County: A Fresh Paint Event and Art Auction” will be held Saturday, Aug. 24 in Presque Isle.

    “Artists are invited to join us to paint their favorite places, people and events,” said Pat Rathbun of the Aroostook Partners in the Arts, which sponsors the event. “In previous years, the event was limited to Presque Isle. This year, the event has been expanded in scope by inviting artists to paint anywhere in the county.
    Pre-registration is recommended. Registration and check-in for all artists begins at 8 a.m. at the Northeastland Hotel, with art turned in by 3 p.m. in preparation for the evening preview, which begins at 6 p.m. Registration forms for the event are available at the Morningstar Gallery in Presque Isle, on Aroostook Partners in the Arts’ Facebook page, or by calling Heather Harvell at 540-1754. Artists wishing to donate to the silent auction may contact Rathbun at 762-1791.