Beta Sigma Phi chapter holds meeting

11 years ago

    PRESQUE ISLE — Maine Epsilon Master chapter of Beta Sigma Phi met Sept. 19 at the home of Helene Bernard.

    The meeting was called to order by president Nancy Nichols and new, updated program books were distributed by the program committee.
    It was decided to make a donation to the local Pine Tree Chapter of the American Red Cross. A letter from the director of the homeless shelter in Presque Isle was shared and members will bring personal care items to donate to the shelter.
    Updates were given on members who have been ill recently. The service committee conducted a pound auction as a fundraiser for the chapter.
    Following the meeting, many happy dollars were shared and refreshments were served by Priscilla Nichols, Mae Gerrish, and Linda Swett.
    The next meeting will be Oct. 17 at 7 p.m. at the home of Tammy Walton.