Geneology group meets Tuesday

11 years ago

    Have you ever wondered where you and your ancestors came from? If so, the Southern Aroostook Genealogy Association wants to see you. Whether you have conducted research for years or are just getting started, this group is for you. Membership is free and each month the group will focus on what is requested by those in attendance.

    Some of the members have experience with Native American records, with French Acadian ancestry, or with Mayflower, Revolutionary or Civil War sources, and Loyalist lines. Others have done research in cemeteries, or in Maine or Canadian archives. All of them are willing to share experiences and help each other.
    At the October meeting, you are invited to bring old family pictures. Everyone has tons of those, full of unidentified persons. At the time of the photo, everyone knew who, what, and where the photo was taken. Unfortunately, no one took the time to write it down. It is possible the clothing style, the pose, or the background will give clues. It’s also possible that your photo matches one someone else has.
    The Oct. 8 meeting will also be a planning meeting for what the group may concentrate on for 2013-2014. Some of the members are members of the Maine Genealogical Association, New England Historical and Genealogical Society, or the Aroostook County Association. Some are also members of and can help you with that site or other sites. The education center at the hospital has Internet access, so bring your computer.
    Come join the group on Tuesday, Oct. 8 at 6:30 p.m. at the Houlton Regional Hospital education center.  Go to the hospital main entrance and take the elevator to the third floor, then follow the signs.