Pet Talk

Heather Miller, Special to The County
11 years ago

So it’s hard to believe summer is over. The leaves have changed, the nights are colder and the days are so much shorter. We hate to think about it, but we all know winter is next in line. And for us at the Houlton Humane Society, winter is more than just snow and extra layers of clothing.

Winter also means cats and kittens … and lots more of them. In the last month, we have taken in five cats who were pregnant, so we can think of it as just 5 new cats, but then we really do the math and realize that five actually could equal more like 30. So of course, we go into panic mode. We start thinking about food, foster homes, space, vet care … all of this and so much more. We are happy to say, we know this comes every winter, so we are more prepared every year.
But with this being said, there are so many things you as animal lovers and supporters of ours can do to help us during this time. What you may ask? Well let me tell you. we can always use donations. Donations of litter, canned food, dry food, milk supplements, toys, treats, blankets and sheets. We also could use monetary donations to pay for up coming vet bills on these kittens and their moms.
Also, if you feel like you would like to get your “kitten fix” on, we also are looking for foster homes for moms and babies. We will provide the food, litter, bedding, whatever you need. You just provide the love and the home. This is a very rewarding experience, where you get to see them grow up and then see them adopted into their own forever homes. All our foster families say it’s the best feeling.
Now the last thing you can do to help, is not necessarily something you would think of, but we think it is the biggest help of all. This would be advocating for spaying and neutering. If every one of you reading this talked to just one friend about altering their pet, about the importance of it, think of how many cats would be helped. How many kittens would not be born to unwanted homes? The number would be astounding.
Now I know, this is a subject some of you may not know a lot about. You may not know about all of the benefits of doing this surgery. So, if you are wanting to be a “spay/neuter”advocate, stop by here, we have plenty of information and we also have vouchers for the state “Help Fix Me” to be handed out to people who may not be able to afford this surgery.
So these are a few things you can do to help us, the cats and kittens and other people to lower the number of kittens and support the ones we have. Stop by the shelter and see some of our little ones who are looking for a home. We have plenty of them. We think what better thing to snuggle with to keep warm on these chilly nights … than a little ball of fluff.
    Heather Miller is the executive director of the Houlton Humane Society.