The Purple Hat Ladies met at SAVE (Southern Aroostook Vocational Education) in Houlton for its Nov. 5 meeting. The meeting date was changed because of dating problems.
All the ladies wore their super purple hats. Leader Charlotte Marley had to leave early so Dolores Locke took over the duties for her. The meal was very good, as usual. We signed a card for Cathy Bither, a patient undergoing surgery.
“Happy Birthday” was sung to Sandy Wyman. Peggy Sanders, a faithful follower, was unable to be present so it was requested we give her a phone call. Her husband’s name is Larry.
Our Christmas party will be observed in December. Please look for the date in the Houlton Pioneer Times. Members will bring items or $5 for the animal shelter. The party will be at the Snowmobile Clubhouse in Oakfield. Kerry Bartlett, Don Marley and Bob Locke will be involved with the meal and Dolores Locke, Charlotte Marley and Cindy Gray will supply desserts.
Comical readings were given by Cindy Gray and Sandy Wyman. All in all it was a great gathering for a lovely group of ladies. Attending were: from Cary, Jackie Colella; from Houlton, Marsha Reed, Betty Wyman, myself and Wannetta Townsend; from Dyer Brook: Marie Gillotti, Charlotte Dorr; from Oakfield, Bernice Campbell, Elaine Barrett, Evelyn Johnston. Alma Clark and Dolores Locke; from Merrill, Arlene Friel; and from Smyrna, Charlotte Marley and Cindy Gray.