To my readers, I haven’t been on top of things lately. I promise to do better. For those readers who look for my column, I apologize for the past few weeks. Could I be slowing down? Our sympathy is extended to the family of Dorothy Weston. Dot lived at Ricker many years and had many friends. One of the comments I remember her saying to me was: “It’s not going to get any better.”
Several prominent Houlton people have died recently too, one was Raymond “Gene” Nelson. Gene and his lovely wife Janette had four sons and was a stronghold in the community. Our sympathy to Janette and family.
At our last Bingo meeting, Joyce Bryant donated a super prize, a ceramic set. The winner was very pleased.
Prayers are asked for Carmen Chasse’s mother, who has cancer and lives in Virginia. Cancer is so prevalent; someone always knows a person in his or her family or not who has cancer. Best wishes to Carmen’s mother.
A reader of Ricker Rumblings called about discarded greeting cards. If you know of a source needing these cards, please let me know. Usually there is a use for everything.
Recently, I asked Charlene Henderson what was the highlight of her trip to Florida. She and her hubby Brian and their family, 22 in all, had a super trip to sunny Florida. Charlene’s response: “It was all good, they babysat their grandkids, and went to Disney too.” Nice call.
Once again, thank you to everyone who leaves bags on my door handle or near the door. I try to keep Good as New supplied with bags and thanks to my friends, I’m doing a great job. Lavina Byron was among the missing the past few days — at least she was to me. Lavina and her sister Gerry Dunn spend time with their sister Norma Bates at the nursing home. These three sisters have a love affair—a family one. Nothing like family.
Paul Downing of Wakefield, Mass. has returned to his residence after visiting his mother, Lois. Christie Hutchinson has moved to another apartment complex. Good luck to Christie and her dog in her new environment. Robin Chambers continues to surprise others and me with her goodies. I never know what is waiting for me outside my door. Thanks, Robin, you are a lifesaver.
Several seedlings are on the bench for the taking. I’m giving Lavina thanks for that but I really don’t know who was responsible for this kindness. Anyway, thank you.
Plans are on the menu for Thanksgiving dinner — are you eating at home or otherwise? Either way, don’t we all have much to be thankful for. When we see what is going on around us, we count our blessings. St. Mary of the Visitation Church is hosting as usual.
Gary Keyes was rushed to the hospital recently with a possible heart attack. At this writing, I’m not sure if Gary is home, but I suspect he is. Gary, take it easy. Super day here on a Sunday afternoon. Thanks be to God. My Bible verse is: “Where sin increased, grace overflowed all the more._ (Romans 5.20.)
Have a safe and joyous week.