To the editor:
So on Dec. 7, 1941 at 7:55 a.m., Japan’s military staged a sneak attack on the Hawaiian islands at Pearl Harbor and also striking America’s military installations, at the Schofield Barracks, the airfields at Hicham, Wheeler, Kaneohe Bay and
Bellows; killing 2,403 service people and wounding 1,178. The attack launched America into World War II. Battle Ship Row was devastated. The U.S.S. Arizona was sunk and its crew entombed within it and the U.S.S. Oklahoma lost 429 men.
Please join American Legion, Henry B. Pratt, Jr. Post 15 and Caribou VFW members and their Auxiliaries for a ceremony at the Fort Street Bridge in Caribou on Saturday, Dec. 7 at 9 a.m. as we honor these soldiers that paid the ultimate price and our veterans.
God bless our troops, God bless America.
Bob Huston, commander
Shelley O’Rourke,
publicity chair
American Legion
Henry B. Pratt, Jr. Post 15, Caribou