Island Falls News

Riva Hawkes, Special to The County
11 years ago

On Dec. 14 a Christmas party will be held at the Millstream Park in Merrill for all the children in the area beginning at noon until 2 p.m. Santa will be arriving with a sack full of goodies for the children and hot cocoa and cookies will be available for all.

All the volunteers are set and ready to go to help everyone have a good time at the last picnic of the year. Peter and Cheryl Connelly have returned home from their three-week visit to their home in Vero Beach, Fla. and are delighted to see that there is no snow, as yet up here in Aroostook County. Work is still being done on the addition to their home and between that and the restaurant. They will be pretty busy all winter.
The Whittier Congregational Church held its annual Christmas party on Sunday, Dec. 8, in the vestry of the church. A potluck dinner was served, following the church service and a Yankee Swap exchange of gifts was enjoyed after dinner.
I now have a little red squirrel to join the two big gray ones who have a great time eating all the seeds they can find. What snow we had last week has now disappeared and it isn’t too hard getting the seeds to the feeders, but it sure keeps me busy filling up the five feeders I have. I saw a mourning dove under the feeders the other day, but have not yet seen a cardinal. Maybe when it gets colder they will appear. I still have the doe deer and her offspring. They were out back a couple of days ago busily grazing on the grass that is still green and they stayed until it got too dark to see them.