The Fort Fairfield Rotary Club, Knights of Columbus, Fish and Game Club and VFW came together with local businesses once again to provide a free seniors and community Thanksgiving Day dinner.
Photo courtesy of Carl Young
A holiday tradition in Fort Fairfield for close to 30 years, the event provided a free turkey dinner with all the fixings to Fort Fairfield senior citizens, residents who were homebound, and citizens who otherwise might not have had a holiday dinner to enjoy. With the Fort Fairfield High School girls’ basketball team and other volunteers acting as servers, more than 75 citizens attended the dinner and enjoyed the fellowship and holiday music at the local VFW Hall, while close to 90 who are homebound and cannot come out had dinner delivered by volunteer drivers, many of whom have been volunteering for most of their lives. Leftover prepared dinners were donated and delivered to the Homeless Services of Aroostook shelter in Presque Isle.