Island Falls News

Riva Hawkes, Special to The County
11 years ago

The Whittier Congregational Church held it’s annual business meeting on Sunday, Jan. 19, following the worship service held at 9:30 a.m.
During the business meeting, the reports were read and following brief discussions, they all were accepted. The meeting was then adjourned and a luncheon made by the ladies of the church, was served and all enjoyed fellowship.

After being a patient for a few days at Eastern Maine General in Bangor, Marion Hoar is now at home and feeling just fine. I’m sure she will soon return to her weekly bridge game held at the municipal building every Tuesday. And Dennis Boone, who had been a patient at Houlton Regional Hospital, is now in Patten at Mountain Heights, undergoing rehab for a respiratory problem. I’m sure cards and notes from friends would be very welcome to both Marion and Dennis.
I am still plodding out to the feeders twice a day to keep my feathered friends fed and happy. Have a great time watching the three (not one but three) big gray squirrels working so diligently to get all the seeds they can. Meanwhile, the two small red squirrels watch from a distance as the food disappears. I make sure the small birds get their sunflower seeds early in the morning before the big guys show up to scare them away.
I watched a chickadee getting a drink of water the other day, as he sat on an icicle that was melting and satisfied his thirst. I am still using my peanut butter and lard mixture and, boy, do the birds really like that especially in the cold weather. The blue jays and woodpeckers are great fans of it, and also the chickadees.  No more deer tracks around lately — maybe with the new snow on the ground I will see more.