Washburn students participate in Children’s Stage Adventures

11 years ago

Washburn students participate

in Children’s Stage Adventures


by Beth Boddy

    Washburn’s 21st Century After School students recently had the opportunity to participate in Children’s Stage Adventures. Children’s Stage Adventures was started by Lorrie and Bob Gray with the goal to provide a high-quality children’s theatre program in the eastern United States at an affordable cost, and to “encourage children to strive for excellence through teamwork and a live theatre experience.”

    Children’s Stage Adventures has been touring for over 14 years and has grown to seven productions, each including professionally-designed costumes and original sets. Hilary Kraus and Melissa Buriak from Children’s Stage adventures were at SAD 45 all week working with 53 students from grades 1 through 9.
    They have all been working very hard learning and practicing their production of The Fisherman’s Wife” all week to put on an outstanding performance for the students and the community. The production was held Friday, Jan. 17, and there will be more on this in next week’s column.

Photos courtesy of Beth Boddy

    NEW SHIRTS — These Washburn students recently each received a new shirt. Pictured from left to right are: Emily Butler, grade 4, Ashton Henry, grade 5, and Caleb Silver, grade 4, with their Fisherman’s Wife T-shirts.


    Children’s Stage Adventure actor Melissa Buriak and Alexy Lynch (grade 1 at Washburn Elementary) get ready for their dress rehearsal.


    Maggie Castonguay (grade 6), at left, and Children’s Stage Adventure Actor Hilary Kraus get ready for their dress rehearsal in Washburn.


Mid-term exams

    High school mid-term exams began on Tuesday, the 21st of January. You can find a schedule of exams online at msad45.net.

School calendar revised

    Due to the school cancellations so far this winter, the last day of school for SAD 45 students has been changed to Tuesday, June 17, which will be an early-release day.

Homework Haven

    Parents of students in Washburn Middle School, you can still enroll you child in the Homework Haven program. This is available to all students in grades 6-8 in need of additional help with their schoolwork. Please contact Mrs. Irving at mirving@msad45.net for more information or to register.

Knitting group

    The Washburn knitting group has resumed after a break for the holidays. They meet every Friday afternoon from 1-3 p.m. in the basement on the Washburn Memorial Library. Any knitter or other fiber enthusiast is welcome to come.


    Those celebrating a birthday between Jan. 22-28 include: Keith Corey, Joyce Pinette, Kevin Goodine, Todd Doody, Charlene Maynard and Glenna Bragg.
    Those celebrating an anniversary between Jan. 22-28 include: Glenn and Debra Viola.
    Beth Boddy is the correspondent for Perham, Wade and Washburn. She can be reached by calling 455-8427 or by e-mailing bethwood@hotmail.com.