Cary Library Corner: February, 2014

11 years ago

    Editor’s note: The following article is a synopsis written by staff members and volunteers of the Cary Public Library highlighting one of the suggested reading books, as determined by their staff.

Our book this week features watersheds in Maine: “A Moment of Water, Journey by Maine Watershed,” autographed and written by Ann Flewelling, who also took the pictures. She considers her work landscape photography and journal notes.

The text and pictures cover the Downeast Coast, Katahdin, and Aroostook areas, including upstream and downstream perspectives with maps and commentary. Pictures and text are somewhat enigmatic, in our view. Using probable routes of Native Americans in their seasonal, migratory journeys is interesting.

The message is we are connected waterwise and any endangered waterway in the north will endanger the waters of the south of Maine. A sobering thought and one that conservationists have considered for a long time. Maps are included that show where some of the pictures were posed. Believe me, those pictures are beautiful.

Ms. Flewelling gives credit to such organizations as Blue Hill Heritage Trust, Maine Coast heritage Trust and Natural Resources Council of Maine and many others for monitoring rivers and watersheds and keeping as many healthy and open as possible. This we must keep doing for the preservation of vital water resources for ourselves and future generations.

A thoughtful, hopeful work to enjoy and ponder.

The Cary Public Library is open Monday-Wednesday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information, call 532-1302.