Island Falls News

Riva Hawkes, Special to The County
11 years ago

Peter Connelly arrived back in Island Falls a few days ago after spending a few weeks at Vero Beach, Fla. with his wife, Cheryl. He plans to return soon and will be coming back to Aroostook again, this time accompanied with Cheryl,

Island Falls VFW King-Mitchell Post No. 7529 will be serving its monthly public supper on Feb. 15 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Chef Gray Hawk will be doing all the cooking, assisted by wife, Mariette and friend, Cathy. The main course will be roast beef and ham, lots of veggies and, of course, homemade desserts. Proceeds will go toward the fund to finish the last half of the Post home roof.
Despite the cold and snowy weather we have been having, I still have lots of little birds at my feeders, and also, the big blue jays and woodpeckers. Have not seen one nuthatch, so far, this winter and no cardinals. The peanut butter and lard mixture is still going as fast as I can get it out to all my feathered friends and the blue jays take great mouthfuls of it when it arrive, but always leave a bit for the little gold finch and chickadees.
Recently, I have had three deer arriving at about dusk and so I plan to have the old bread and cut-up apples out by the barn and ready for them to munch on — it always goes pretty fast. One night I put out some bread chunks near my front steps and by morning they were all gone, so the deer come after I turn out the lights and wander all over my large yard and my back yard is full of the trails they have made in the snow.
On Feb. 13, Clayton Webb will celebrate his 90th birthday, but there will be no birthday celebrations until sometime in early summer when his family and many friends, especially the members of the Country
Jamboree, will gather to wish him many more years of health and happiness. He has been a steady member of the Country Jamboree group and they all have enjoyed his singing with them through the years.