Mapleton’s town meeting is Monday, March 17 and will be held at the Lions Hall on Main Street. Polls open at 3 p.m. and the meeting begins at 7 p.m.
Please note that the location and times are changed from previous years.
Castle Hill’s town meeting is Tuesday, March 18 and will be held at the Castle Hill Grange Hall on the State Road. Polls open at 3 p.m. and the meeting begins at 7 p.m. This time and location is also a change from previous years.
Chapman’s town meeting is Monday, March 24 and will be held at the Chapman Ridge Runners Snowmobile Club. The meeting begins at 7 p.m.
Birthday wishes this week go out to Dale Morrison, Olive Gregg, Peter Greenier, Eric Easler, Samantha Boulier, Carla Carney and Robbie Hoffses.
Happy anniversary this week to Ernie and Brenda Boykin on the 13th.
Castle Hill Grange Hall news
Volunteers for the Castle Hill Grange Hall Preservation Society have started making plans for 2014. Looking back to 2013, the group was able to repair the porch floor and remove old the porch railing. They plan to hold their annual candy bar sale this winter to raise funds for fuel and utility costs. Their future projects include repairing the floor in the cellar and leveling it off, purchasing a stage curtain, clean and paint the upstairs and repair the underside of the porch and replace the foundation.
Your help is still needed to keep the grange hall operating. Please consider donating an hour once a month. Working member dues are $10 per year or $15 per year for non-working members. Lifetime dues are available for $100 or $150 lifetime for spouses.
The society meets the fourth Tuesday of the month from February through November. Currently, the society has only seven working members and more help is needed to keep the hall functioning and the bills paid. Any help the members of the community can provide would be greatly appreciated, either through working or monetary donations.
The hall is available for rent from May 1-Oct. 31, and the fee of $100 helps cover the society’s expenses.
Date change
The Mapleton Daze Committee has had to reschedule its spaghetti supper that was planned for March 15. A new date will be announced in the coming weeks. Watch this column for more details.
Jennifer Buzza is the correspondent for Mapleton, Castle Hill and Chapman. She can be reached at 760-9115 or by email at