LOCAL ROTARIANS were pleased to help out as volunteers during the recent IBU Biathlon Youth/Junior World Championships held at the Nordic Heritage Center.
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Many Rotarian volunteers paused during a busy Saturday full of biathlon activities for a photo. Pictured are, from left, front row: Ray Hews, Presque Isle Rotary Club; Stephanie Beaulieu, Fort Fairfield Rotary Club; Nancy Fletcher and Sue Bernard, Presque Isle. Back row: Jason Parent, Don Cassidy, Steve St. Pierre and Jane Towle, Presque Isle; Paul Towle, Fort Fairfield; Ryan Ellsworth, Caribou; Clint Watson, Presque Isle (honorary member); Kerri Watson-Blaisdell, Fort Fairfield; Don Samiya and Gina LeBlanc-Eggert, Presque Isle. In thanking the Rotarian volunteers, Jane Towle, biathlon event director, said, “Generosity and philanthropy are cornerstones of Rotary spirit, as well, and we are so proud of our Rotarians who so generously give for the betterment of our community!”